Friday, January 5, 2018


  • Our past, present and future are all connected. As such, we must put in the work to change these connections if we desire something different.
  • No step – first, intermediate or last – is more important in the accomplishment of a task. All are required.
  • Even if something we do seems inconsequential, it is very important that it gets done as everything in the Universe is connected.
  • Each step leads to the next step, and so forth and so on.
  • Someone must do the initial work to get a job done.
  • Neither the first step nor the last are of greater significance,
  • As they were both needed to accomplish the task.
  • Past, Present, Future they are all connected… 
  • Every action we take contributes to the whole. Therefore, actions are neither big nor small as all actions influence the whole.
  • “Even if something we do seems inconsequential, it is very important that it gets done as everything in the universe is connected.”
  • Remember how Steve Jobs thought his calligraphy lessons were a waste, but the same lessons taught him a lot about font design 10 years later? In the same way, whatever you might be doing now is never really a waste because it will come to your aid some time later, if not now. You may be doing a sweeper’s job at a hotel now, but you will eventually learn something from it and apply it when you are promoted to the managerial role of housekeeping. Connecting the dots will take you a long way.
  • The law says that the past, present, and future are all connected. Your today’s hard work will reap your fruits in the future. It says that everything in the universe is connected, both big and small.
  • “The past, the present, and the future are all connected.” One thing we can be certain of is that focusing solely on the past prevents us from living in the now and building our future. Everything you have endured until now has molded you into who you are today, your thoughts and actions today are what pave the path to your tomorrow.
  • Everything in the universe is connected. Your every action has consequences which are even beyond your comprehension. It's like one step following the other, one action leads to another and so on. Your actions from the past would define what you become in the future and yet again, as you'll sow, so you'll reap.
  • We are all connected energetically to the universe and each other. By staying disconnected, we are not serving any good purpose to the people or our planet. It is important to do our part to keep the world connected whether it is through love energy or a physical form.
  • Also, each action and every step which you took in the past has brought you to the place where you are now. So, if you find yourself in a tough spot, chances are that your karma is trying to tell you to mend your way. And if you find yourself in a good place, all you need to do is carry on.
  1. Law of Cause and Effect : You will reap what you sow; 1 + 1=2 ផឹក១កំប៉ុងស្រវឹងតិច ផឹក ២កំប៉ុង ស្រវឹងច្រើន
  2. Law of Creation: You will create what you concentrate on; Nothing happen naturally មិនផឹកសុរា មិនស្រវឹង មិនជក់គ្មានបញ្ហាផ្លូវដង្ហើម មិនផឹកស្រាមិនឈឺក្បាល 
  3. Law of Humility: Accept what is it; Let go what happen already and focus of what it will be គ្រប់គ្នាមើលឃើញថាសុរា/ប៊ីយែសុទ្ធតែអាក្រក់ដូច្នេះវាមិនអាចជារឿងល្អសម្រាប់សុខភាព តាមប្រវត្តិគឺសុរា បំផ្លាញសុខភាពមនុស្ស  
  4. Law of Growth: In order to growth change yourself, no the other. Where you go, you are here ចង់ស្រវឹងស្រាចូរផឹកស្រាខ្លួនឯង កុំឲ្យគេផឹកជំនួស ផឹកច្រើនស្រវឹងខ្លាំង ផឹកតិចស្រវឹងតិច
  5. Law of Responsibility: You life is the result of our own action ផឹកតិចបើកបរសុវត្ថិភាព ផឹកច្រើន បើកបរប្រឈមគ្រោះថ្នាក់ខ្ពស់ ផឹកច្រើនបើកបរសាហាវ ផឹកច្រើនបើកបរព្រហើន..ផឹកសុរាច្រើននាំគ្រោះឲ្យ ខ្លួនច្រើន នាំគ្រោះអ្នកដ៍ទៃច្រើន នាំគ្រោះក្រុមគ្រួសារប្អូន សង្គមច្រើន។
  6. Law of Connection: ផឹកស្រាលាយទឹកឈឺក្បាល ផឹកស្រាលាយកូកាកាន់តែឆាប់ស្លាប់ ផឹកផងជក់ផងកាន់ តែឆាប់ ផឹកមិនហូបចុកកាន់តែឆាប់ស្លាប់ ផឹកស្រាអស់លុយខូចសុខភាពមានជំងឺ ផឹកស្រាមកពីកម្មពី ជាតិមុន ជាតិនេះនិងជាតិទៅខាងមុខ។
  7. Law of Focus: You cannot focus on evil and good at the sometime មិនអាចផឹកថ្នាំពេទ្យផងផឹក ស្រាផង មិនអាចក្នុងពេលតែមួយ មិនអាចយកសេរួមផង យកស្រាប៊ីយែ មកមកព្យូរធ្វើជាសេរ៉ូមទេ។
  8. Law of Give and Hospitality: The Way you treat to other releaves your intention ជូនស្រាឲ្យគេគេជូនស្រាវិញ ជូនទឹកផ្លែឈើឲ្យគេគេជូនទឹកផ្លែឈើវិញ នោមលាយស្រាឲ្យគេផឹកគេតបវិញដូចគ្នា ផឹកស្រាយូរៗទៅជាស្ទាត់ញៀន ផឹកស្រាអត់បាយយួរៗទៅក្លាយជាទំលាប់ ធ្លាប់ផឹកស្រាពេលព្រឹកដល់ម៉ោងផឹក ទៅជាញ័រដៃ ផឹកស្រាច្រើនឆ្នាំក្លាយជាជើងឯងខាងផឹកប្រចាំភូមិ ផឹកកាន់តែច្រើនមានជំងឺកាន់តែច្រើន។
  9. Law of Here and Now: The Only Thing You Have is The Present Moment: កុំខ្វល់រឿងអតីតកាលពេលនេះពេលនេះគេអង្គុយផឹកស្រាអង្គុយកំដរគេទៅ ពីមុនផឹកស្រាជាប្រចាំពេល នេះ ពេទ្យប្រាប់ថាបើបន្តផឹកស្រានឹងស្លាប់ ដូច្នេះកុំខ្វល់រឿងអតីតកាលគិតរឿងបច្ចុប្បន្នកាល ពី មុនរស់ស្រ្តីឆ្លងទន្លេរ ផឹកស្រាតែពេលនេះឆ្លងទន្លេគេឈប់អាំងភ្លើង ឈប់ផឹកស្រាគេចាក់ថ្នាំ។
  10. Law of Change: Life Give You the Same c  Lesson untill you learn from them, change the path អ្នកនៅក្នុងភូមិស្លាប់ភាគច្រើនដោយសារផឹកស្រា អ្នកធ្វើការភាគច្រើនស្លាប់ដោយសារស្រា គ្រោះថ្នាក់ចរាចរ ភាគច្រើន ដោយសារការបើកបរពេលស្រវឹង ដូច្នេះខ្ញុំសម្រេចិត្តឈប់ផឹកស្រា!!
  11. Law of Patience and Reward: God Thing Come From Hard Work, Faith and Determination ការផ្តាច់ស្រាត្រូវការពេលវេលាយូរ ត្រូវការភាពអត់ធ្មត់ ស្មោះត្រង់ តស៊ូព្យាយាម។ ការបិតស្រាគឺស្រក់ទឹកមួយដំណត់ៗ មិនដូចជាការបង្ហូរទឹកទុយោឡើយ។ ស្រាល្អគេត្រូវរក្សាទុកយូរឆ្នាំមុនពេល យកមកទទួលទាន។
  12. Law of Inspiration/Significance/Importance: You Will Receive From Your Life What You Have Put In ស្រាល្អថ្លៃគឺមានកម្រិតគ្រោះថ្នាក់ខ្ពស់ ស្រាខ្លាំងលាយទឹកច្រើនទៅជាសាប លាយទឹកតិចសាបតិច ស្រាសចាក់កាហ្វេ ចូលវាដូរពណ៍៕

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