Saturday, October 28, 2023

Q & A Maharaj Charan Singh Ji - Volume 2

Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5 Volume 6 Volume 7 Volume 8

Questions and Answers 1988 was quoted from the period of 1988 by the Satsang Session with the following answers and questions as below:

  1.  Simran, សម្រាន្ត បិទភ្នែកប្រឹមៗ បើកទ្វារទាំង ៩ ដើម្បី ឃើញរូបព្រះគ្រូ ឬ ទេវតានៅនឹងមុខ ឬ មនុស្សណាម្នាក់ដែលយើងពេញចិត្ត ស្រលាញ់ ចង់ឃើញ
  2. Dhyan and យ័ន្ត ចូររក្សារូបភាពនោះ នៅនឹងមុខយើងដូចជាកំពុង និយាយគ្នា ឆ្លងឆ្លើយ សំណូរគ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក ពិភាក្សា វែកញែកអ្វីជាចម្ងល់ អ្វីជាចម្លើយ
  3. Bhajan បាយ័ន្ត អារម្មណ័យើងមូលល្អ ប្រឹងរក្សាអារម្មណ៍ឲ្យមូល រហូតអាចតែងជាកំណាព្យ ជាការស្មូត សូត្រធម៍ សូត្រកំណាព្យ តែងចម្រៀង ច្រៀងឲ្យព្រះគ្រូ ឬ មនុស្សដែលយើងកំពុងស្រលាញ់នៅនឹងមុខយើងស្តាប់អ្វីដែលយើងកំពុងច្រៀង...
( សម្រាន្ត Simran គឺ ប្រមូលអារម្មណ៍មកនៅ ភ្នែកកណ្តាល ចំណែក បាចាន/បាយ័ន្ត គឺ ទន្ទេញ ព្រះធម៍ នៅភ្នែកកណ្តាល)

Q & A Maharaj Charan Singh Ji - Volume 2    ថ្ងៃទី ១៣ សីហា ២០២៣ រយៈពេល ២០ នាទី ភាសាខ្មែរ សំណួរទី ២១- ៣០ បញ្ចប់ ថ្ងៃទី ១៦ កក្កដា ២០២៣ 

Q & A No= 1  ( 0 minutes) Questions and Answers 1988 was quoted from the period of 1988 by the Satsang Session with the following answers and questions as below

Q & A No=  2  ( 03 minutes)
   Any questions you would like to ask? Anything you would like to discuss? Maharaji, it's good to see your face again after so many years. Thank you for allowing me to come.I don't know how to form this question, but it has two parts.I have a bad neck. You could say that I was kind of apain in the neck sometimes and I was just wondering what I could learn spiritually from this.What lessons do I need to know spiritually from what my neck is doing? And the second part is I don't want you to take it away from me, this karma, becauseI realize that it's a karma accountability.But I would like to ask you or beg you for the courage to be able to deal with this so that I can go home and be a good mother to my two small children, be a good wife and most importantly, Maharaji, that I could meditate better because I've been sliding and I want to return your love correctly.  Sister, is a very noble idea and that should be everyone's endure.But if you are feeling ill, any pain in theback, you should not hesitate to consult any doctor.There's no harm in getting it treated. I'm doing that.I am doing that.Master, is there any spiritual lessons that I haven't been doing that I should be? What? Spiritual lessons, Sister.We can derive from such things.We can only pray to the Lord. Thank God. It is only a little pain in the neck.It is not worse. Yes.When we see other people suffering in the hospitals, people crying in agony, then we just feel grateful to Him that he has only given us very little to bear.We are far better than so many thousands people in this world. World.So we can just be grateful to Him that we can get away with very little problem.I thank you for the pin prick.Thank you. 

Q & A No=  3 ( 04 minutes)  Master.Yes.We are told that we are supposed to live off the lowest form of life.That is why we are permitted to eat vegetables and things like that.But surely,  when we wear leather goods and leather belts and all that, are we not creating a disproportionately high load of corona? In other words, that animals have to  be killed?  I realize that we have to be practical.But could you not try and sort of replaceus by wearing plastic shoes and things like that?Well, brother, what can you be sure about the plastic shoes?Also, how many insects are killed before aplastic gets into the form of a shoe?How can we be sure even that  wecannot exist in this creation without killing.We drink, we kill, we walk, we kill, we talk, we kill.We cannot avoid killing evenin vegetables there's life.  Even  milk we drink, there is life because so manyinsects are killed before the father goes to the cow.When the vegetable comes to ourplate, fruits comes to our plates. God knows how many thousands andthousands insects are killed by chemicals.  Before that fruits and vegetables andsalad comes to our table.We  can't avoid that.The main thing is what saints advise us that ifyou have only a weight of a shirt on yourbody, you hardly feel any weight at all.If you are  crushed under 100 pounds, thousandpounds, you'll be just crushed under the weight.So collect the least possible load during spanof your life which is absolutely essential foryour living for your existence in this creation.  So don't go right and left in killing for your living in India.I can't say about your  countriesbecause your country is too advanced.Animals are never killed for skin.So many thousands of animals, they die by thei rnatural death and they  make use of their skin. And shoes are made. Leather goods are made.So people definitely use those leather shoes and all that.We have to live in a  society.We are part of a certain chain and we cannot escape that.Of course, if the animals are killed for our leather shoes, we do collect karmas.We can't  avoid it. But then it's a very little load which we have to take care by meditation.   Because we have got to draw lines somewhereto exist or to live in this  world. We don't deny that we collect karmaseven by eating vegetables, we collect karmas.The load is even small even though it's ananimal that is being  killed for the leather. Pardon, you say the load is still very small eventhough an animal has been killed for the leather. Because an animal's got four  elements of life and then the animal is killed for the leather. Yes, I learned from European countries and other advanced countries.Some animals are just rare  to be killed for the sake of leather. But that fortunately is not being done in India till yet. 

 Q & A No=  4  I am asking this question for a Pasani who does not speak English. When I feel that I cannot concentrate properly during meditation I feel guilty.And I very much feel that I am doing just mechanical Simrun and my desire to go back is not strong enough.What can I do to overcome that fear?   Sister, you can't  attend to meditation. Why? It's not me. It's another Satsangi who does not talk English.Then what's his problem? She says that when she does not  concentrate properly properly during meditation she fears that her desires not to go back home to the Lord is not strong enough. And that fear is kind of  blocking her.And what she can do to overcome that?All of us we have to do ourbest to concentrate and return to our meditation.Then we leave it to the Father for his grace to forgive us.We should not put any excuse in any way and just unnecessary start justifying for not attending to meditation.We should do our best.Then leave it to the Father.  You.Thank you.

 Q & A No=   5  Welcome, master. Sometimes there seems to be a conflict of interest between what is conducive to a meditative atmosphere and what is pleasing to one's or important for marital and family harmony.How important is it to preserve harmony and at what cost?Th in a family you have to decide such things.Nobody  is going to decide on your behalf. We are confronted confronted with such situationat every step in our life. And we have to take the decisions with our best judgment. At that time, we can't knock right and left to know the decision.We have to take the decision ourselves. Thank you.

 Q & A No=   6  Good afternoon, my lord. This morning, during our personal interview you had asked if I had read St.John and I had replied yes some.That sum was only some pages and some brothers and sisters thought that I had deceived by saying yes some.So I just wanted to set the record straight.I'm not followed your question.  I'm sorry. During our viewer this morning yes.You had asked me if I had read the book Light on St.John. Yes.And I said yes some as a reply to your question. By that I just meant some pages. And during lunch this afternoon, some brothers and sisters thought that I had deceived you by saying yes. No question of deceiving កហុក/ បោកប្រាស់ me. If you have not read, you can read it now, no problem.Communication is funny business.  No, you can read it now. Thank you.You see, this telling lie is a motive.It is not the world which matters.It is not the communication which matters. Whether I have any motive or intention to tell a lie are I knowingly concealing something which I should have told?That is the main thing.  Yes.These things don't create any lie at all. My intention was good. 

Q & A No=   7  Master? Yes.Please could you tell me to what extent the soul is conscious of transmigration? យកកំណើតជាថ្មី មានរូបរាងថ្មី What is is the soul conscious of the transmigration? Or is it all mind? You mean to say whether soulis conscious about the past?  Yes.You see soul is not interested about the past at this level. Because tendency of the soul is always towards the father.Its tendency is forward, not backward.It is not interested in how many lives it hascome through and where it was born before and whowere the parents, how many children she had before.That is not the intention of the soul to know at all.  And neither it was happy there then, neither is happy here now. Its whole focus is on the father.It is only helpless at the hands of the mind.And mind is responsible for creating these karmas and our Karma have become our master.And soul and mind, not together, has become the slave.And when the master dictates the slave so the slave has to shift, as Christ said,from house to house, from one flesh to another flesh, from one body to another body.  Because Karmas are since you may call them, they have become our masters and soul has become the slave.So it has no independence to stay in one house.It has a shift from flesh to flesh, from house to house.When the soul will become master in the house then nobody can shift the soul from that house. It will only go back to the father.So soul is not interested.You see, from where it has come and through how many generation it has been penetrating through and what was its relationships of the past.Neither it is attached to them nor it is conscious of them, nor she bothers about them first.Tendency of the soul is always tor tured so in the region.Thank you very much.It's. 

Q & A No=   8  In the book Philosophy of the Masters, the Grid master writes a short chapter about aspecial gift from a master to his disciple. And that is to fill a master's end on one's head.You thank you.Is it a feeling of a sweet touch on the head during the meditation or something like that?I have not followed your question, brother. I'm sorry.In the book Philosophy of the Masters, the Greed master write a short chapter about a special gift.Special gift?  Gift.Special grace. Yes. From a master to his disciple.And that is to fill the master's end on one's head.To fill the master's end on one's head.You see, placing the hand of the master on the head of a disciple is meaning is that to takethe disciple under your care, under your shelter. It is not a physical ceremony of placing a hand on the head.It is a colloquial term. Just to take someone under your shelter,under your care, under your protection.That is the meaning of this phrase.There's nothing to do with a feelingof a toach during the meditation.Nothing to do with the hand,nothing to do with the head. Okay.I have a second question.Yes, please.You say that we should love only for the sake of love. Spiritual love. Lover only loves for the sake of love, not we should.He has no other gain in it.He has no other thinking about it. He loves because he's helpless to love. He can't help loving. He's just helpless. He's just being pulled towardsthe object, towards the beloved. Something he can't resist.That he should, but he can't resist. Would you speak about the state of intoxication of that love?Would you speak about thestate of intoxication of love? Brother, this is something to be experienced, something to be lived, something to be enjoyed rather than to be explained. Saints have tried to give so many examples about that type of love.You see, Chakwa and Chakur, you see, there are two birds who just go on looking at each other.They will bend their necks, but theywill not cease looking at each other.Then sometime they give the example of that chirping bird. You see the rain bird who's always chirping till itrains because he will not be quiet unless it rains. But these are just worldly examples.They don't explain that depth at all.That love is love.It has to be experienced. It has to be lived, has to be injured. Words are inadequate to explain that type of love.If you ask the lover, what do you feel in love?I wonder if he can ever explain what he feels.This very language is a very poor expression of love. Thank you.It is to become another being,to merge into another being.To become another one.To lose your own identity and become one from truth.You don't exist.Only the beloved exist. That is love.That is why Christ said God is love because it has a characteristic of love.We become one with the Father.We lose our own identity in the Father.We don't exist anymore at all .Drop purges into the ocean and becomes the ocean.That's love.Thank you.

 Q & A No=   9  Yes. When we finally go within and we see the radiant form and experience your love and radiance, how can we still function in the world with the balanced and a cheerful mind? I think that makes us more cheerful, sister, because if you have been able to enjoy that happiness within. Then we wherever we go, we radiate happiness. If we are happy with them, whosever come to us will make them happy. If we are miserable within our self, we will spread misery all around, no matter where we may be. So when we are full with love and devotion for the Father, it fills us with the happiness, with the contentment and wherever we go. We spread that happiness all around, you call it. We have an aura of that happiness around ourself. Automatically people become happy. Christ has given a very beautiful example about this, he says. Bridegroom is happy because he is going to marry some girl. His happiness is natural. We can understand. But he says friend of the bridegroom also happy. Why they are not going to marry any girl at all? Because their friend is happy and that happiness is shared by his friends also. So because the bridegroom is happy, he is spreading happiness all around. So his friends have also have become happy. Saints are happy. When we go to their company, they radiate happiness all around them, so they make us also happy. By the bridegroom he meant the Saints. By the friends he meant the disciple. So flock around him. Not that they have been also married, but their friend is married, so they share that happiness with their friend, so they also automatically becomes happy.

 Q & A No=  10  Is seeing the radiant form a mystical experience that starts to transform you? បំលែងខ្លួនជាអង្គទេវតា? That Mr. Babani talks about this being the path of transformation? ពេលយើងបានធ្វើសមាធិទៅ ឃើញពន្លឺចែងចាំង តើនោះមានតែថា ទេវតាសំដែងឬទិ្ធ តើនោះជា ផ្លូវដែលយើងក្លាយទៅជា ទេវតាហើយមែនទេ? Sorry. When you are filled with the love and devotion for the Father, all these all these qualities come in us like the cream over the milk. You don't have to endeavor to gain those qualities. They automatically come like the cream over the milk. មិនមែនទេ ពេលណាលោកអ្នក មានសេចក្តីស្រលាញ់ ជ្រះថ្លាជាមួយ ព្រះពុទ្ធអង្គសិន បានលោលអ្នកអាច មានឃើញ ពន្លឺដ៍ចែងចាំងនៃ ព្រះអង្គ វាដូចជា ការ៉េម លាយជាមួយ ទឹកដោះគោ លោកអ្នកមិនចាំបាច់ប្រឹងប្រែងខំធ្វើអ្វីទេ គឺ មានមានគុណភាពរស់ជាតិជាស្វ័យប្រវត្តិ When we are filled with happiness, are with the love of the Father. គឺ គុណភាពបែបនេះ កើតមាន កាលណាលោកអ្នកមាន សេចក្តីរីករាយដោយក្តីស្រលាញ់ចំពោះព្រះពុទ្ធអង្គ។

 Q & A No=   11 ថ្ងៃទី ៣០  កក្កដា ២០២៣ ( 40 seconds) សរុបរួម ១៤ នាទី  Going within and seeing you seems so distant. It seems so far away. It seems almost like a dream, a wonderful dream and not reality. And I know that it is reality, and I'd like to make it more of an experience than just to know about it with the mind. ការចូលទៅក្នុងខ្លួន ការមើលឃើញព្រះពុទ្ធអង្គនៅខាងក្នុងខ្លួន ហាក់ដូចជានូវសែនឆ្ងាយ វាដូចជាសែនឆ្ងាយជាពន់ពេក វាប្រៀបដូចជាក្តីសុបិន្ត វាដូចជា ក្តីសុបិន្តួយដ៍អន្លង់អន្លូច មិនមែនជាការពិតសោះឡើយ។ ខ្ញុំម្ចាស់ដឹងថានេះជា ការពិតមែនហើយ ខ្ញុំម្ចាស់ចង់បានការមើលឃើញបែបនេះថែមទៀតដែរ  តែនោះវាគ្រាន់តែជា​ ការដែលឲ្យ ចិត្តបានដឹងប៉ុណ្ណោះ Sister, it's better to treat this whole life. ញោមស្រីអើយ ជាការល្អប្រពៃណាស់ ដែលញោមគួរតែរក្សាឲ្យ ពេញមួយជីវិតញោមមានសភាពល្អប្រសើរបែបនេះជារហូតតទៅ ។ ជាការពិតណាស់ នេះជាសុបិន្ត តែក្នុងពេលញោមកំពុងតែសុបិន្តបែបនេះ សូមញោមព្យាយាមរកឲ្យឃើញការពិតគ្រ់ប់ជំហានទាំងអស់ផងចុះ Just a dream. Then during the dream try to find out the reality which is within every one of us. Thank you, master. ពរ ខ្ញុំកូណា សូមអរព្រះគុណ គុណម្ចាស់ ។ 

Q & A No=   12  ( 1 minute- 14 seconds)  Maraji, I have two questions. You use a phrase quite often, sari dunya, (Meaning that I changed your destiny)  and someone has explained it to me as being the whole world, and you usually use it in the context of Nam or shabd. Could you tell us what you're talking about when you use that phrase? ព្រះគ្រូំ មហារាជា គុណម្ចាស់ ខ្ញុំកូណាមានសំណូរ ២ គុណម្ចាស់ជាញឹកញាប់តែងតែលើកឡើងអំពី ឃ្លាដែលថា ការធ្វើ ធម័ សំដៅមានន័យថាជាការផ្លាស់ប្តូរវាសនា នេះជាការពន្យល់របស់មនុស្សមួយចំនួនបែបនេះ ដូលខ្ញុំកូណា  ហើយគុណម្ចាស់ក៍តែងតែលើកឡើងជាច្រើនដងក្នុង ក្នុងព្រះធម៍ សុមព្រះគ្រូ ជាម្ចាស់ជួយបកស្រាយផង តើន័យនេះ ព្រះគ្រូសំដៅលើអ្វីឲ្យប្រាកដ?  God knows you've seen with what reference I use this word. I refer to the whole word. The teaching of the mistake is for the whole word. ព្រះពុទ្ធជាម្ចាស់ទ្រង់ដឹងគ្រប់យ៉ាងអ្វីដែល ញាតិញោមបានធ្វើ នេះជា ឃ្លាដែល អាត្មាសំដែងធម័ធទេសនា អាត្មាសំដៅដល់ ចក្រវាឡទាំងមូល ព្រះធម៍ទេសនាលើកឡើងអំពី កំហុសខុសឆ្គងទាំងឡាយ គឺដើម្បី ចក្រវាលទាំងមូល។  Not for any particular community, particular nation, particular country. They come for the whole world, so they are teaching are universal. So we should let their teaching remain universal and should not try to arrest them into small compartments and give them the shape of a religion or a nation are arrested into some country. មិនសំដៅថា សម្រាប់តែ សហគមន៍មួយណាឡើយ មិនសម្រាប់តែជាតិសាសន៍ណាមួយឡើយ មិនសម្រាបប្រទេសណាមួយក៍ទេដែរ។ ព្រះធម៍ទេសនានេះ សម្រាប់ចក្រវាឡទាំងមូល សកលលោកទាំងមូល ដូច្នេះ ធម៍ទេសនាត្រូវតែរក្សាឲ្យនៅជា សកល  យើងមិនត្រូវព្យាយាមរារាំង ចាប់ខ្លួន អ្នកសម្តែងធម៍ទេសនាឡើយ  ក៍មិនគួរចាត់ទុកពួកគេថាជា ក្រុមសាសនាតូចមួយ ឬ ជាភាគតូចមួយនៃ ប្រទេសខ្លះប៉ុណ្ណោះឡើយ  Are into some nation. We should keep them universal. But maybe discussing this word and many other references, but I can't recollect because I speak more than one hour. I don't know what I say there.  យើងត្រូវតែទុកពូកគេជា ជា ធាតុសកល តែយើងអាចនឹងពិភាក្សាគ្នា​អំពី ពាក្យពេជ្ជ និង លើកឡើងអំពី អំណះអំណាងផ្សេងៗ តែអាត្មាភាពមិនអាច រំលឹកឡើងវិញបាន ព្រោះតែអាត្មាបានទេសនាច្រើន ជាង ១ ម៉ោង អាត្មា អតចាំថាបានទេសនារឿងអ្វីខ្លះ។ 

 Q & A No=   13 ( 1 minute- 23 seconds)  The second question is, did you have a phrase today, sales tax and income tax in your discourse? Did I hear right? សំណួរទី ២ តើព្រះគ្រួមាននូវចាំទេ អំពី ឃ្លាដែលព្រះគ្រូទូលថ្ងៃនេះទេ គឺ ពន្ធលក់ ពន្ធលើចំណូល តើខ្ញុំកូណាមិនច្រឡំទេឬ?  Don't worry, there's no danger of any raids here. ចូរកុំមានការព្រួយបារម្ភឡើយ អ្វីដែលជាការ លើកឡើង មានជំលោះនៅទីនេះ គ្មានគ្រោះថ្នាក់ទេ  Yeah, the foreigners will be disappointed if sales tax goes on the shopping. ជាការពិតណាស់ ថាជនបរទេស អាចនឹងមានការ អស់សង្ឈឹម ខកចិត្ត បើសិនគេ ធ្វើច្បាប់ ពន្ធលើការលក់ នៅ ក្នុងហាងទំនិញនានា ?  No, that's not the point. You see what we are discussing, that even the rich people, no matter how much wealth they have. តាមពិតទៅ ចាមិនដូច្នេះទេ ដូច ញាត់ញោមបានដឹងស្រាប់ យើងពិភាក្សាគ្នាអំពី បញ្ហាដែលទាក់ទងជាមួយ អ្នកមាន មិនសំដៅលើថា​អ្នកណាមានទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិ កំរិតណាឡើយ។  This richness does not make them happy. They are always worried. Sometimes about rates, sometimes about sale tax, Sometimes stock market going down, prices of shares are going down. Sometimes their best friends are turning their faces to them. Sometimes banks refuse to give them their money. They just become bankrupt. Sometimes they cannot realize their money through even courts. មនុស្សដែលមានជាងគេ ពួកគេមិនរីករាយទេ ពួកគេមានការព្រួយបារម្ភជានិច្ច  ជួនកាលពួកគេព្រួយរឿង អត្រាពន្ធ ជួលកាលព្រួយរឿង ពន្ធលើការលក់  ជួលកាលព្រួយលើ ផ្សារហ៊ុនធ្លាក់ចុះ ព្រួយរឿង តម្លៃភាគហ៊ុនចុះ ជួលកាល មិត្តភ័ក្រជិតស្និតបែរជា ក្លាយជាគួរជម្លោះទៅវិញ  ពេលខ្លះមានបញ្ហាថា ធនាគារគេមិន ឲ្យខ្វីលុយ ដូច្នេះវាក្លាយជាការ ក្ស័យធន  ពេលខ្លះមានរឿងតុលាការគេបង្កកលុយទុក។  Sometime they are the guides thieves, so even money doesn't give them happiness. So probably in that context I use the word. ជួលកាលមានលុយច្រើន ចោរវាដឹង ដូច្នេះ បើទោះជាមានលុយ ក៍មិនអាចឲ្យពួកគេរីករាយដែរ ដូច្នេះ អាចក្នុងន័យនេះដែល អាត្មាភាព លើកឡើងអំពី ន័យខាងលើ ឬ ពាក្យពីខាងលើ។  I thank you. ខ្ញុំកូណាសូមអរព្រះគុណ អង្គម្ចាស់។

  Q & A No=   14 ( 1 minute- 35 seconds)  Master, it's written in the Bible. Ask and ye shall receive knock, and it will be opened unto you. I know such a filthy soul as mine has no right to ask, and I ask this without knowing what motive I ask. But I would like the Father to take me to such Khan right now. ព្រះគ្រួជាម្ចាស់ ខ្ញុំកូណាឃើញមានចែងក្នុង គម្ពី ដែលចែងថា​ចូរសុំ ព្រះពរ និង ទ្វារនឹងរបើក យើងនឹងមានព្រះពរ  ខ្ញុំកូណាដឹងថា  ពេលនោះ ព្រលឹងខ្ញុំ កូណា មិនត្រូវបួងសួងសុំពរទេ ខ្ញុំកូណាពេលនេះ ក៍មិនដឹងដែរ ថាហេតុអ្វីបានជា មានការជម្រុញឲ្យខ្ញុំកូណាសួរសំនួរនេះ តែខ្ញុំកូណាពិតជា ចង់ឲ្យ គុណម្ចាស់ នាំខ្ញុំកូណាចូលទៅក្នុង ខន្ត ឬ ថាន មួយនេះ ឥលូវនេះតែម្តង។  Therefore we all want to go there, and we are all struggling souls. We are all knocking at the same door. We all depend upon His mercy to open us. Open the door from within and we are all at the same door. And let us pray to Him to open it and give us admission within. ដូច្នេះ យើងបានដឹងហើយថា ទាំងអស់គ្នាសុទ្ធតែចង់ទៅដល់ ឋាន នោះ ព្រលឹងយើងសុទ្ធតែត្រូវឆ្លងកាត់ឧបសគ្គ យើងត្រូវតែ បើកទ្វារចូលទៅក្នុងខ្លួនយើង យើងទាំងអស់គ្នាត្រូវតែ ចូលទៅតាមទ្វារនោះដូចៗគ្នា  Father, you have the power. ព្រះពុទ្ធទ្រង់ មាន ឬទ្ធិបារមី អាចធ្វើបាន  He has the power, one who has put that seed within us. ទ្រង់មានថាមពល មានឬទ្ធិ ដាក់គ្រាប់ពូជក្នុងខ្លួនយើងរាល់គ្នា  He's responsible to pull us back to his own level. You see, it is the duty of a gardener to plant the fruit tree, to nourish the fruit tree, to give it chemicals, water. Look after the fruit tea in every respect. It is for the father to give it fruit to fruit it. It's not in the head of the gardener. ពុទ្ធអង្គជាម្ចាស់ ទ្រង់មានភារកិច្ច រុញយើងរាល់គ្នាត្រឡប់ទៅឋានលើវិញ ស្មើរឋានពុទ្ធអង្គ។ ញាតិញោមបានឃើញស្រាប់ អ្នកថែសួន មានកិច្ចការ ដើម្បីដាំដើមឈើ ដាក់ជីស្រោចស្រព ថែទាំ ដើមឈើគ្រប់ពេលវេលា គ្រប់ជំហាន គឺដើម្បី ដើមឈើហូបផ្លែទាងនោះផ្តល់ជាផ្លែឈើ ជាភោគផល មិនមែនភោគផលទាំងនោះ កើតឡើងដោយ អ្នកថែសួនឡើយ។ អ្វីៗស្ថិតនៅក្នុង ព្រហស្បរបស់ទ្រង់ វាសនាយើងស្ថិតនៅលើទ្រង់ ដូច្នេះ ចូរប្រឹងប្រែងអស់ពី កម្លាំងកាយចិត្តធ្វើឲ្យបានល្អបំផុត-- សូមអរព្រះគុណ គុណម្ចាស់។  It is in his hand. It You are the Father. So let us hope for the best. Thank you, Father.

 Q & A No=   15 ( 0 minute- 40 seconds)  Rataswamy Master. ព្រះគ្រួ ជាម្ចាស់ Yes. ពរ មានសំណួរអ្វី ? I have no specific question I want to ask you. I just want to thank you for your love, Rataswamy. Well, love doesn't need anything at all. ខ្ញូកូណាគ្មានសំណួរជាក់លាក់ទេ ខ្ញុំកូណាចង់សំណួមពរ អំពី រឿងមួយ គឺ ខ្ញុំកូណា ចងអរព្រះគុណ ព្រះគ្រូ មានសេចក្តីស្រលាញ់ចំពោះខ្ញុំម្ចាស់  Mrs. Good is yours. It does. អូ ញោម ទេ ឬ ? ចូរមានពរ ដល់ ញោម Collaborate self is nothing but thanks. គ្មានអ្វីត្រូវបកស្រាយទេ គឺ មានតែ ការអរគុណ It is all His grace that He gives us His love, He gives us His devotion, and our words are too inadequate to express that feeling, that depth and that gratefulness to the Father. It is impossible. អ្វីៗបានដោយសារ ព្រះមេត្តាធម៍ ដោយសារ ទ្រង់ ផ្តល់នូវក្តីស្រលាញ់ ទ្រង់ប្រទាននូវ ការបូជា យើងទាំងអសើគ្នានឹងរកពាក្យឯណាមក បរិយាយអំពី ទឹកចិត្ត​អរព្រះគុណឲ្យបានសម ល្មមគ្រប់គ្រាន់ គឺមិនអាចឡើយ Thank you, master. ខ្ញុំកូណាសូមអរព្រះគុណ 

 Q & A No=   16 ( 1 minute- 41 seconds)  Could I also mention my friend Patrick, who's been ill after the last three days and he couldn't come to see you? My friend Patrick, who's been ill for three to Patrick, my friend. ព្រះគ្រូ តើខ្ញុំអាចសូម ណែនាំ មិត្តភ័ក្ររបស់ខ្ញូំម្នាក់ឈ្មោះ ប៉ាទ្រីក គាត់ ឈឹអស់ពេល ៣ ថ្ងៃ ហើយគាត់មិនអាច មកកាន់ទីនេះបាន ដើម្បីជូបព្រះគ្រួ គាត់ជាមិត្តភ័ក្រខ្ញុំ Patrick. Patrick who? ប៉ាទ្រិក ជានណាគេ? I don't know who. អាត្មាមិនស្គាល់គាត់ទេ It is my friend who's been ill for the last three days and has been unable to see you.  ប៉ាទ្រីកជា មិត្តភ័ក្រខ្ញុ ដែលធ្លាក់ខ្លួនឈឺ ៣ ថ្ងៃកន្លងមកហើយ មិនអាចធ្វើដំណើរមកកាន់ទីនេះ ជួបព្រះគ្រូ He's here. តើប៉ាទ្រីកនៅទីនេះទេ He has become sick here. ប៉ាទ្រីក គាត់ធ្លាក់ខ្លួនឈឺ ឥលូវបានមកដល់ទីនេះហើយដែរ តើគាត់នៅក្នុង ប្រទេស ឥណ្ឌា? គូណា ជាម្ចាស់ ប៉ាទ្រីក គាត់នៅ ក្នុងប្រទេស ឥណ្ឌា នៅ ក្រុង ប៊ុមប៉ៃ  អរគុណណាស់ ព្រះគ្រូ បានជួបព្រះគ្រូ ខ្ញុំមានសេចក្តីស្រលាញ់ចំពោះព្រះគ្រូ The is in India. Yes, in India. In Bombay. So you love you, Masters of Paraswami.  I'm glad, glad you have reminded me. I have requested even before in many meetings those people who need special medical aid are not keeping well and fit. They should refrain from taking such a long journey. អាត្មារីករាយណាស់ ដែល ញោមរំលឹកអាត្មា អាត្មា បានរំលឹកជា ញយដង សឹងតែគ្រប់ ពេលធ្វើ ធម៍ទេសនា ប្រាប់ឲ្យ អ្នកណាដែលមានជម្ងឺដដង្កាត់ គួរតែ ជួបសុំគ្រូពេទ្យជួយ កុំទុកបណ្តែតបណ្តោយឲ្យ ឈឺកាន់តែធ្ងន់ អ្នកមានជំងឺ មិនត្រូវធ្វើដំណើវវែងឆ្ងាយមកកាន់ទីនេះទេ ។  To come here or to Delhi, it is not in their interest to take such long journeys. You see, we don't have any medical facilities here to look after them. So they should better stay in their own country. Unless they become healthy, then only they should think of coming. Some people are very, very aged. They come, some try to come on the wheelchairs. គេមិនគួរធ្វើដំណើរវែងឆ្ងាយ មកកាន់ទីនេះ ប៊ុមប៉ៃក្តី ឬ ញូដេលិក្តី ដូច ញាតិញោមបានឃើញទាំំងអស់គ្នាស្រាប នៅទីនេះ​គ្មាន សេវាសុខាភិបាល សម្រាប់ថែទាំ ព្យាបាលពួកគេទេ ដូច្នេះ ពួកគេមានជម្ងឺ គួរតែស្នាក់នៅ ព្យាបាលតាម រដ្ឋរៀងៗខ្លួន ចាំពេលណាសុខភាពល្អ ដែលគិតថា អាចនឹងមកស្តាប់ធម៍ទេសនាបាន សឹមមក  មនុស្សខ្លះ គាត់មានអាយុ​ ចាស់ពកណាស់ទៅហើយ តែពួកគាត់នៅតែ មក ខ្លះមកទាំងខ្លួនជិះរទេះរុញទៅទៀត ។ បើមកទីនេះ ដោយពឹងអាស្រ័យមានគេជួយបែបនេះ  គឺជារឿង មិនគួរសោះឡើយ Depending upon the help of others, it's not revisable. Thank you, master. អរគុណព្រះគ្រូ ជាអម្ចាស់។  

 Q & A No=   17 ( 1 minute- 42 seconds) Master, in New Delhi, one of the Shahbads mentioned the Saint Lamas Rishi. I wonder if you could tell us something about him. Lamas Rishi. Lamas Lamas Rishi. I heard it in the Shahbad. ព្រះគ្រូជាម្ចាស់ នៅ ក្រុង ញូដេលី មានធម៍មួយ សូត្រ ទៅឮសូរតែ ពាក្យថា ព្រះគ្រូ ឡាម៉ា ខ្ញុំកូណាចង់សុំ ព្រះគ្រូ ជួយពន្យល់បកស្រាយ អំពី អត្តន័យទាំងនេះផង ឮតែ ព្រះគ្រូ ឡាម៉ា ៗ ៗ   Lambad Rishi. In New Delhi. ឮសូរនៅ ក្រុញូដេលី ព្រះគ្រូ ឡាម៉ា អាត្មាគិតថា ដូចជា មិនអីចឹងទេ ដូចជាមានការ បន្លឺសម្លេងមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ អាត្មា ចាប់ពាក្យនេះ មិនបានទេ បើ ឮ អីចឹង វាគូរតែ  ព្រះគ្រូ ឡូម៉ាវិញ បាទត្រូវ ត្រូវហើយ គឺ ឡូម៉ា។ ញូមអើយ អាត្មាអត់ដែល ទូលពាក្យទាំងនេះទេ តែខ្ញុំម្ចាស់ ស្តាប់ឮក្នុង ការសូត្រធម៍។ ចុះហេតុអ្វី ញោម មិន សួរទៅ ព្រះគ្រូ  Gundhali? ខ្ញុំកូណាខ្លាចពេក មិនហ៊ានសួរទេ អាត្មាអរណាស់ ដែលញោម មិនប្រកែកយកឈ្នះចាញ់ រឿងហ្នឹងកើតនៅ ប៊ុមប៉ៃ ? កូណា ម្ចាស់  ញោម អាត្មាមិនច្បាស់ ប្រាកដពាក្យទាំងនេះទេ តែសង្ឈឹមថាមានអ្នកណាមួយគេ ប្រាប់អាត្មារឿងនេះ ដោយសារតែ មានមនុស្សជាច្រើនទៀត ដែលគេបាន ឮសូរពាក្យទាំងនេះផងដែរ អត្មាចង់បកស្រាយដែរ តែខ្លាច បកស្រាយទៅ មានការយល់ច្រឡំ នេះមិនមែនជា បញ្ហានៃការ បន្លឺសំលេង ទេ តែ វាអាច ជាការពិត ។ ខ្ញូំកូណាសួមអរព្រះគុណ។ ចម្រើន ពរ ។  I think there is some. Something in your pronunciation which I don't catch the right words. LAUMAS Rishi. Rishi, I can understand. Lamba Rishi. I've never said that word. I never. I heard it in the Shabbat that someone was singing. Why didn't you ask Gundhali? I don't. I was too scared. I'm glad you're no more frightened now here. Is it the Bombay atmosphere or what? I don't know. Sister, not that I am acquainted with this word. If it can be made clear to me by anyone, because there are so many others also who are hearing that, I'll be pleased to explain that, but. Maybe I misunderstood. No. The question of pronunciation probably. Perhaps. Thank you. Yes, please. 

 Q & A No=   18 ( 1 minute- 13 seconds) Master, there are silly question that we actually want to ask you, but it's very, very important to us. We've come a long way, spent a lot of money, have longed to see you, and we find that we're sleeping in the morning, Satsa. គ្រូជាអម្ចាស់ យើងមានសំណូរមួយបែប ឆ្កួតៗ ចង់សួរព្រះគ្រូ តែសំណូរនោះ ពិតជាសំខាន់ខ្លាំងមែនទែន មិនសួរមិនបាន ពួកយើងធ្វើដំណើរមកពី សែនឆ្ងាយ ចំណាយអស់ ប្រាក់កាស់ជាច្រើន ដើម្បីបំណងថាមក ជួបព្រះគ្រូ តែពេលដែលមក ដល់ បែរជា ងងុយដេកទៅវិញ គឺ ងងុយទាំង ព្រឹកតែម្តង  !​តើនេះ មកពី ការសម្តែងធម៍ទេសនា ធ្វើពេលព្រឹកឬ ? នេះជា កំហុសខ្ញុំកូណាទេ?   And find. That we sleep in the morning, Satsa is. There sleep in the morning Satsa, Yes. Isn't it terrible? Well, sister is not your fault. So song is so soothing. We automatically get sleep. So enjoy your sleep. Don't worry. មិនមែនជា បញ្ហាទេ ញោម ស្រី  មិនមែន កំហុសញោមស្រីទេ ដោយសារ មានចម្រៀងសួត្រធម៍យ៉ាងពិរោះរណ្តំ ធ្វើឲ្យយើងទៅជា ងងុយដេកដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តិ ដូច្នេះ គួរតែ ដេកឲ្យមានស្រួល ស្រណុកចុះ  ចុះកុំមានការព្រួយបារម្ភឡើយ ។  But Master, is it because we don't have the devotion that we should have for you? Is it because we don't have the devotion? ព្រះគ្រូ ក័ប៉ុន្តែ នេះ គឺដោយសារតែ ពួកយើងខ្ញុំ គ្មានសទ្ធាជ្រះថ្លាជាមួយ ព្រះគ្រូ ឬ យ៉ាងណា? ដោយសារពួកយើងគ្មាន ការបូជា ជ្រះថ្លា ជាមួយព្រះគ្រូ? ញោម ស្រី ញោមស្រី​ចាំចុះ ថា ញោម មិនឯកោទេ យើងមានមនុស្សជាច្រើននៅទីនេះដែរ។ សូមអរព្រះគុណ អត្មាភាព មានក្តី រីករាយណាស់ បានជួបមនុស្សជាច្រើននៅទីនេះ ​តែសង្ឈឹមថា ពួកគេ មិនដេកស្រម៉ុក ទៅចុះ snore  Sister, you are not alone. You have good company there. Thank you. Master, I am such a such a such a point and such a. At the day that I can watch many people, but I'm glad that they don't snore. Thank you, master.

  Q & A No=   19 ( 0 minute- 54 seconds) Master Yes. Please. I have a question for you. If we have not seen the radiant form of the master inside, I know we are to concentrate as best we can. Can you tell me how I can know that I'm doing my best? Well brother, you always know whether you are doing your best or not. There's no skill that I can give you by which you can wait every day.   ព្រះគ្រូ កុណម្ចាស់ ពរ មានសំនួរអ្វី សួរមកចុះ? ខ្ញុំកូណា មានសំណួរមួយ បើសិនជាយើង មិនបានឃើញ ពន្លឺចែងចាំងនៃព្រះពុទ្ធអង្គក្នុងខ្លួនទេ តាមខ្ញុំម្ចាស់ដឹងគឺថា យើងត្រូវខំប្រឹងធ្វើសមាធិតទៅទៀត ធ្វើឲ្យបានល្អបំផុត តើព្រះគ្រូ អាចប្រាប់ខ្ញុំម្ចាស់បានទេ ថាធ្វើម៉េចទើបដឹងថា ខ្ញុំម្ចាស់បានប្រឹងប្រែងខ្លាំងបំផុតហើយ? សំនួរល្អណាស់ ញោមប្រុស  ញោមអាចដឹងថា នោះជាការប្រឹងប្រែងល្អបំផុត ឬ អត់ គឺគ្មានជំនាញណាមួយអាច បញ្ជាក់រឿងនេះបានឡើយ គឺ មានតែ ញោមប្រុស រង់ចាំមើលជារៀងរាល់ថ្ងៃ ។  You have done your best or not. You ask your own conscience whether you have done your best or not. Your conscience is your best guide to guide you.   ញោមធ្វើបានល្អបំផុត ឬ យ៉ាងណានោះ លុះត្រាតែ​ញោមសួរ វិញ្ញាណខ្លួនឯង ថា វិញ្ញាណយើងប្រឹងអស់ពី ចិត្ត ហើយឬ យ៉ាងណា? វិញ្ញាណរបស់ ញោមប្រុស គឺជា មគ្គុទេសណែនាំសម្រាប់ ញោមប្រុស។ 

  Q & A No=  20 ( 2 minute- 7 seconds) Raji Yes. Last summer in Philadelphia, the carpal light Satsang had Thakar Singh come to give us Satsang, and a fellow satsangi and myself went to hear him in Philadelphia, Which? Country. Which place? ព្រះជាម្ចាស់ ចម្រើនពរ សុំសួរមកចុះ? កាលពី រដូវក្តៅមុន នៅ ក្រុង ហ្វីឡាដែលហ្វី មានរៀបចំជា ធម័ទេសនាមួយ  ដែលព្រះគ្រូ  Thakar Singh  ជាអ្នកធ្វើធម៍ទេសនាបង្រៀន កាលណោះ ខ្ញុំម្ចាស់បានចូលរួមដែរ តើប្រទេសណា ញោម? គឺ នៅ រដ្ឋ ហ្វីឡាដែលហ្វី សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក   This is in Philadelphia, PA, USA, and after the Satsang. I asked one of the Sevidars if it were if I could talk to him, and they arranged for it. Well, I asked him if he knew you, and I told him that I was an initiative of yours and he was very happy and he stuck his hand out and he said yes, Sharon, same family. Well, at that point I asked him, would it be possible for us to?  កាលណោះខ្ញុំកូណា សួរទៅ អ្នកហែរហមព្រះគ្រូ Sevidars បើសិនណាជាខ្ញុំកូណាអាច និយាយជាមួយ ព្រះគ្រូ ពួកគាត់តបវិញថា មិនអាចទេ ពួកគាត់នឹងរៀបចំឲ្យមានការជួបគ្នា។​ កាលណោះ ខ្ញុំកូណាសួរទៅ គាត់ថា គាត់មានបានស្គាល់ព្រះគ្រួ ដែរឬទេ? ព្រមទាងបានទូលប្រាប់គាត់ថា ខ្ញុំកូណាបាន ត្រៀម បូស ជាមួយ ព្រះគ្រូហើយដែរ គាត់ស្តាប់ឮហើយ អរណាស់ លើកដៃជាសញ្ញា រួចតបថា  អុរ មិនអីទេ គឺ យើងជាគ្រួសារតែមួយ ដូចគ្នា កាលណោះ ខ្ញុំសួរគាត់ថែមទៀតថា ឥលូខ្ញុំចង់បួសជាព្រះព្រះគ្រូ  តើការធ្វើបែបនេះ ជាការត្រឹមត្រូវដែរឬទេ?   Stick around for his initiation which he was planning at the same time and he said that would be fine. He said you are most welcome. So we stayed around for the initiation which was to the best of my ability identical. My question is this, is he the same family? And also my question is, is there any harm in doing something like this? គាតស្តាប់រួច តបវា ជាការប្រពៃណាស់  ដែលញោមមានផែនការបួសបែបនេះ គាត់ថា រីករាយណាស់ បានលោក បួស។ ដូច្នេះ ពួកយើងរង់ចាំពេលវេលាដើម្បីបួស។ សំណួររបស់ខ្ញុំកូណាពេលនេះគឺថា តើពួកយើងជាគ្រួសារតែមួយដូចគ្នា? និងសំណូរមួយទៀតថា តើទង្វីខ្ញុំម្ចាស់បែបនេះ ជាការមួយ អាក្រក់ ឈឺចាប់ដែរឬទេ? ជាពិសេស ពេលដែលខ្ញុំម្ចាស់ រំលឹកអំពី ឈ្មោះព្រះគ្រួ ចំពោះមុខគាត់។   Especially with the motive was to remind us of you. My brother, I can't say who the gentleman is, but in such cases you should always refer to your representatives. They can guide you better. Who the gentleman is, he's authorized to hold such song or not. And whether it's his song centered, they have authorized or not. And whether you should go there or not, your presented to be the right person to guide you. Thank you.   ញោមប្រុស អាត្មាភាព មិនអាចរំលឹកញោមថា អ្នកណាល្អជាងអ្នកណាបានទេ តែ ករណី បែបនេះ ញោម ត្រូវតែសាកសួរទៅ អ្នកតំណាងប្រចាំការនៅ ប្រទេស របស់អ្នកផ្ទាល់។ ការិយាល័យតំណាងនោះ នឹងណែនាំញោមប្រុស នូវផ្លូវមួយល្អជាង អាត្មាភាព ថា អ្នកណាល្អជាងអ្នកណា? ដោយសារថា អ្នកតំណាងនោះ គាត់មានសិទ្ធិសម្រេច ថា អាចច្រើនចម្រៀងនោះបានឬអត់ ( ដោះស្រាយបញ្ហានោះ)  បើសិនជា អាចដោះស្រាយបែបមែន ថាតើ អ្នកតំណាងនោះ ទទួលបានសិទ្ធិសម្រេចពី ថ្នាក់លើដែរឬទេ?  ដូច្នេះ អ្នកតំណាង គឺជា មនុស្សដែល ត្រឹមត្រូវ សម្រាប ណែនាំញោមប្រុស។ សូមអរព្រះគុណ។ 

 Q & A= 21 ( 3 minutes, 3 seconds) Yes. Please When students are involved in study, it is essential from time to time for them to be told by their teacher about their progress so that they know where they're at, and then they can make the desired progress, put in the desired effort to get ahead.   And I was just wondering, Muraji, since then you said yesterday that Satsangi's need so much encouragement in their meditation, would not be a good idea to inform them of their progress from time to time according to their effort, so that they could make a put in the effort to to get the desired result. You mean that that every student should be asked, Every disciple should be asked how much progress is made.  No, no master that. Master tells them or shows them from time to time just where they are so that they could put in the extra effort to make better progress, so that they know where they're at. They can pull up their socks, so to speak, master. That is why these meetings are held, sisters. That is why these books are written to remind us about meditation.  This. These are just meetings are hammering on our mind every day to remind us our duty, our goal, our destination, our path. I'm talking about inside master. I'm talking about in meditation. Yes, if we can keep be given some kind of encouragement if somebody's been meditating. Meditation itself gives us encouragement within. If we if we are regular in our meditation, it itself gives us encouragement within. Master, I'd like to just bring to your notice an example that you often give us about traveling the road to Delhi and and trusting the driver. Well, sometimes some of us like For me particularly, I've been traveling this road for 14 years and it's still too dark to see any signs. Sometimes I think. I can smell daily in the distance or or from a far off sea the lights of daily and just be when I'm beginning to see this master there's a power failure. So I'm just wondering, is this my mind, sister? This encouragement comes from within. Yeah, this conviction comes from within. It will not come from anybody's saying or anybody's telling us. It has to come from within and does come from within. So you're saying that I should still just keep on at it, Master Ratasil?  តើញោម មានសំណួរអ្វី សូមសួរមកចុះ ? កូណាម្ចាស់ ពេល និស្សិតកំពុងសិក្សារៀនសូត្រ ចាំបាច់ ត្រូវមាន សាស្រ្តាចារ្យជួយប្រាប់ ណែនាំថា ពួកគេកំពុងស្ថិតក្នុងចំណុចណា? បែបនេះ និស្សិតអាចបង្កើននូវការរីកចម្រើន វឌ្ឈនភាព  និង ប្រឹងប្រែងបន្តទៀត អ្វីដែលខ្ញុំកូណា ឆ្ងល់ត្រង់ថា ថា ព្រះគ្រូមហារាជា ពេលព្ររគ្រូទូលកាលពីម្សិលថា អ្នកធ្វើធម៍ ត្រូវការការលើកទឹកចិត្តខ្លាំងណាស់ ដើម្បីតាំងសមាធិ ចុះម៉េច បានជា មិនទូលប្រាប់ពួកគេថា ពួកគេ កំពុងស្ថិតនៅ ចំណុចណា?  តើធ្វើបែបនេះ មិនមែនជារឿងល្អទេឬ?  ដោយសារការធ្វើបែបនេះ ពួកគាត់និងកាន់តែ រីករាយជាមួយ ជោគជ័យការសម្រេចបានថ្មីៗ ព្រះគ្រូទូលថា គ្រប់និស្សិត គ្រប់សាវគ្គសុទ្ធតែអាចសួរនាំរឿងនេះបាន ថា ពួកគេមានការចម្រើនដល់ចំណុចណា។  មិនអីចឹងទេ ព្រះគ្រូទូលបែបហ្នឹង ប្រាប់បង្ហាញពួកគេបែបនេះ បើសិនជាពួកគេកំពុងធ្វើសមាធិ  នោះការប្រាប់ ការបង្ហាញវាផ្តល់ផលជាការរីកចម្រើន ដូច្នេះ បានជាការមានការជួបជុំដូចថ្ងៃនេះ  ដូច្នេះ បានជាមានការសរសេរក្នុងសៀវភៅ អំពីការតាំងសមាធិ ដើម្បីជាការរំលឹកដល់ យើងរាល់ថ្ងៃថា យើងមានកិច្ចការធ្វើអ្វី អ្វីជាគោលបំណងធំរបស់យើង  អ្វីជាវាសនា អ្វីជា ផ្លូវដើររបស់យើង ។  ព្រះគ្រូ ខ្ញុំកូណា ទូលរឿង  ព្រះគ្រូក្នុងខ្លួន រឿង ការតាំងសមាធិ ។ ត្រឹមត្រូវហើយ ញោមស្រី អាត្មាទូលរឿង  សមាធិថា បើសិនជាមាការរលើកទឹកចិត្ត បើសិនជាមានអ្នកណាម្នាក់ ផ្តល់កំលាំងចិត្ត  គឺសំដៅថា ការតាំងសមាធិហ្នឹងឯង ជាការលើកទឹកចិត្តនោះ។  ព្រះគ្រូ ខ្ញុំកូណា សូមព្រះគ្រូ ផ្តល់ជា ឧទា. ជាក់លាក់មួយ ដូចដែលព្រះគ្រូ ទូលរឿងការធ្វើដំណើរតាមដងផ្លូវ ទៅកាន់ ក្រុង ញូដេលី និង ត្រូវជឿជាក់លើ អ្នកបើកបរ -- ជាការពិតហើយ អ្នកខ្លះគេត្រូវការបែបនេះមែន តែ ដូចអាត្មាភាពធ្លាប់ធ្វើដំណើរ ១៤ ឆ្នាំ នៅតែ អាត្មាភាព មិនចំណាំ ផ្លាកសញ្ញា  នូវតែ វង្វែង តែជួលកាល អាត្មាអាច ហិតក្លិនដឹងពី ក្លឹនទឹកសមុទ្រ នៅចម្ងាយដ៍ឆ្ងាយបាន  ពេលខ្លះ មិនអាច នេះ ដោយសារតែ ថាមពលថយចុះ? ឬ ដោយសារ តែ ចិត្ត អាត្មាភាព គិតបែបនេះ?  ដូច្នេះ ការជម្រុញលើកទឹកចិត្តគឺចេញពី ខាងក្នុងខ្លួន  គឺជា មិនចេញមកពីថា មាននណាម្នាក់គេប្រាប់ថា អ្នកឯងយ៉ាងណាយ៉ាងណី នោះឡើយ  ដូច្នេះតើខ្ញុំកូណាត្រូវតែ រក្សាជានិច្ចថា មានព្រះគ្រូគង់នៅក្នុងខ្លួន? ចម្រើនពរ ញោមស្រី ។ 

 Q & A= 22 ( 1 minutes, 1 seconds)  Yes, please. Master, how is the health condition of Professor Pardon? How is the health condition of Professor Bhatinagar condition of? Of Professor Bhatinagar. Well, he is keeping fairly good health for his age. I think he is about 84 and he is still attending to my office every day, but he is little scared to travel now, especially long travels you see by year and going through such inconveniences you see probably he's frightened all of you, I don't know, but otherwise he's keeping fairly good health, he's attending to his duties and he's quite active also.  ព្រះគ្រូ ពរ តើមានរឿងអ្វីដែរ? ព្រះគ្រូ តើស្ថានភាពសុខភាពព្រះគ្រូ យ៉ាងម៉៉េចហើយ? សុំទោស សុំសួរម្តងទៀត អាត្មាចាប់មិនបានទេ? តើសុខភាព សាស្រ្តាចារ្យ Bhatinagar  យ៉ាងម៉េចហើយ? អូ  មិនអីទេ សុខភាពគាត់ ល្អធម្មតា តាមវ័យអាយុចាស់របស់គាត់  អាត្មាគិតថា ដល់ពេលនេះ គាត់មានអាយុ ៨៤ ឆ្នាំ  គាត់នូវតែ មកការិយាល័យអាត្មាជារៀងរាល់ថ្ងៃ  តែ គាត់មានការខ្លាចរណារឿង ការធ្វើដំណើរផ្លូវឆ្ងាយ ជាពិសេស ការមកជួបជុំជាមួយ ញាតិញោមដូចពេលនេះ  គឺគាត់មិនអាចមកបាន ដូច្នេះ ទាំងអស់គ្នា អាចមានការព្រួយបារម្ភអំពីគាត់ តែមិនអីទេ គាត់មានសុខភាពល្អ គាត់នូវតែមកបំពេញកិច្ចការរាល់់ថ្ងៃ និង នូវតែ សកម្មផងដែរ ។

  Q & A= 23 ( 2 minutes, 28 seconds)  Master, I wonder if I'm I used to meditate in the more orthodox way. I would start with Simran and so on. And lately two things are happening and I wonder if they're okay. When is when I sit down to meditate, especially the last couple days. I just want to There's a moment I visualize of Drishti looking at you and you at me. And I don't want to say the Simran is almost like I just want to feel the feeling of visualizing you looking at me and I. But I don't know if that's right. It's like the Simran to say the words feels mechanical or like it would break that feeling and. Sister, we have been explained the method of meditation very thoroughly in detail. We have to do simran and contemplate on the form of the master. No other way. But if you're so, even though what happens is, I feel, a very strong pull to contemplate, to visualize the master. Visualize it, but also continue doing your Simran. OK, And then there's one other thing that happened to me before I came here. It was happening that I would, even as I would begin to sit down and dominate, feel a very strong pull up the attention up into the forehead. Very pleasant feeling, just pulling up. And it was. But I would. I almost. I felt like I didn't want to do the simmer, like it would stop it or break it, you know, or take like a car that's in fourth gear, putting it down into first gear. But then I was afraid. Perhaps I was being misled by just sitting with this pleasant feeling in my head or my forehead, this feeling, this pull and that it would unsafe to sit in meditation without doing the simmon first. Is that correct? Sister, don't try to analyze all these things. Just sit in meditation, feel relaxed and be happy. I don't try to analyze all small little details, small little things and then your mind runs out. So if it feels just good to sit there and feel this pulling feeling, can I do that? Or should I be doing the Simran at the same time you? Must do Simran first, then attend to the shopper. Thank you.  ព្រះគ្រូ ខ្ញំកូណាមានចម្ងល់មួយ ដោយសារខ្ញុំកូណាធ្លាប់តាំងសមាធិ បែបសាសនា អ័រតូដុក ហើយពេលនេះ ខ្ញុំកូណា ងាកមកតាំងសមាធិបែប មហារាជា តាមព្រះគ្រូវិញ គឺដោយការច្បាប់ផ្តើមចេញពី សម្រាន្ត និង បាចាន....( សម្រាន្ត Simran គឺ ប្រមូលអារម្មណ៍មកនៅ ភ្នែកកណ្តាល ចំណែក បាចាន គឺ ទន្ទេញ ព្រះធម៍ នៅភ្នែកកណ្តាល) តែជា លទ្ធផល បែរជាមានរឿង ០២ កើតឡើងទៅវិញ ខ្ញុំគិតថា វាគួរតែ មិនអី ឬ អាចធ្វើដូចគ្នាបាន។  គឺថា កាលពីរ បី ថ្ងៃមុន ពេលខ្ញុំកូណាតាំងសមាធិ ពេលកំពុងអង្គុយ ស្រាប់តែ មើលឃើញ ព្រះគ្រូខាង អ័រតូដុកកំពុងតែសម្លឹងមើលខ្ញុំកូណា ហើយជាមួយគ្នានោះដែរ ព្រះគ្រូ មហារាជា ក៍កំពុងសម្លឹងមើលខ្ញុំកូណាដែរ។ ខ្ញុំគ្មានចេតនានិយាយថា សម្រាន្ត វាមានលំនាំដូចតែគ្នាទេ  អ្វីដែលខ្ញុំកូណាចង់បាន គឺចង់ព្រះគ្រូកំពុងសម្លឹងមើលមកខ្ញុំកូណា  តែខ្ញុំកូណាមិនដឹងថា បែបនេះ ត្រឹមត្រូវ ឬ ខុស ?  ញោមស្រី យើងបាន ទេសនាច្រើនដង ថា ការតាំងសមាធិ មានលំនាំខុសៗគ្នា តាមចំណុចតូចៗជាច្រើន តែអាត្មាភាព សូមរំលឹកញោមថា ជាការល្អ ពេលចេញរូបភាពបែបនេះ ញោមត្រូវប្រមូលអារម្មណ័ វិញ្ណាណបំលែងថានោះជារូប ព្រះគ្រូ Master  តែក្នុងពេលជាមួយគ្នា ត្រូវធ្វើសម្រាន្ត ។   គូណាព្រគ្រូ នៅមានរឿងមួយទៀត គឺថា មុនពេលធ្វើដំណើរមកកាន់ទីនេះ ខ្ញុំកូណាចង់អង្គុយចុះតាំងសមាធិ តែដូចជាមានកំលាំងអ្វីមួយ ជម្រុញឲ្យខ្ញុំកូណា ងើបឡើងវិញ ថា កុំធ្វើអីចឹង ត្រូវ ប្រមូលអារម្មណ៍ ទៅដាក់នៅ ថ្ងាសវិញ  បែបនេះ មានអារម្មណ៍ថា សប្បាយជាង រីករាយជាង គឺខ្ញុំកូណា ដូចជា មិនចង់ធ្វើស៊ីមរាន្ត ឬ មួយចង់បំបែក ទប់ស្កាតការធ្វើសម្រាន្ត  គឺអ្វីៗ ដូចជា ចង់យក លំនាំថា ពេល រថយន្តកំពុងបើកលេខ ៤ បែរជា​ដូរមកជា លេខ ១ សារឡើងវិញ ក្នុងន័យនេះ ដែលខ្ញុំកូណាមានការព្រួយបារម្ភ ខ្លាច។  តើរឿងទាំងនេះ ដោយសារខ្ញុំកូណា ចាប់ផ្តើមចេញពី បេះដូង ចេញពី ថ្ងាស មុន ដោយមិនធ្វើ ស៊ីមរាន្ត ឬ មួយបែបម៉េច ព្រះគ្រូ ?  ញោមស្រី ចូរកុំព្យាយាមវិភាគរឿងនេះជាលំអិតអី  ញោមគ្រាន់តែ​អង្គុយតាំងសមាធិឲ្យស្រួល  ដោយសប្បាយចិត្ត  កុំព្យាយាមវិភាគ វែកញែកជ្រៅជ្រះ ស៊ីជម្រៅ លំអិត ត្បិតថាការធ្វើបែបនេះ នាំឲ្យចិត្តរត់ចេញទៅក្រៅបាត់ ដូចនេះ ញោមគ្រាន់តែ មានអារម្មណ៍ល្អ ធម្មតា អង្គុយចុះតាំងសមាធិ  រួចសួរខ្លួនឯងថា អញ  ឬ ខ្ញុំ អាចតាំងសមាធិបានអត់ ? ញោមត្រី ត្រូវតែធ្វើ ស៊ីមរាន្តមុនសិន សឹមចូលជំនានបន្ទាប់ ! សូមអរព្រះគុណ គុណម្ចាស់ ។ 

 Q & A= 24( 3 minutes, 58 seconds) When one feels the pain of longing and longs to feel your love and doesn't feel it and begs to feel it. I can't understand you have. Longing And then you don't feel the love. How can they be longing without the love? OK, yes, I I feel, I understand from from the books that it says and you say that when you feel that longing that is love. And there is that feeling to also beg to feel that love. And also when I was at Dara, I remember you telling the story of the servants, that when the servant is always asking for more, that sometimes the master of the house wants to send the servant away and the the servant that is always happy with what he is given, the master wants to give him more. So I'm wondering, in the sense of begging to feel that master's love your love and then there. Are so many times try to explain that the time we give to meditation is nothing but begging at a door for mercy and grace. Instead of repeating set words for begging, better to use that time in meditation proper. Meditation Meditation itself is a begging is itself is repenting for the past sins itself. Is asking for the forgiveness of the Father seeking his grace. It covers everything. So whatever he thinks best for us, he will give us. Whether you will ask him or whether you don't ask him, he will give you. You don't have to ask him at all. His conscience. What we need, he's more anxious to give. Then we want. Then we demand he is a better giver. But we are a poor receiver. Why waste our words in begging? We should attend that we use that time in meditation. That itself is begging. So what? What does it mean when this servant is is always wanting you see much? We we want everything to open within our self, but we should not sit in meditation at all We are praying to the Father for His grace, for His help, for His mercy, but don't want to sit in meditation. You see who are wanting and wanting everything without sitting in meditation. Meditation pleases the Father. Then you don't have to ask him anything else. Worship of spirit is worship of the Father. No other worship pleases the Father. This is something by which we please Him. We get His happiness. We seek His forgiveness. Thank you.  សំណួរ ព្រះគ្រូ ពេលមនុស្សម្នាក់មានអារម្មណ៍ឈឺចាប់ពេលដែល ព្រះគ្រូមិនចូលមកសណ្ឋិត ពេលដែលប្រាថ្នាថាមានរូបព្រះគ្រូ បែរជាគ្មាន  បែរជាអត់មានអារម្មណ៍ថា មានព្រះគ្រូសោះ  ខ្ញុំកូណាចង់សុំ ព្រះគ្រូ បំពេញប្រាថ្នានេះផងចុះ?    ញោម សុំសួរម្តងទៀត អាត្មាស្តាប់មិនយល់ទេ  ! ខ្ញុំកូណា ប្រាថ្នាមានរូបព្រះគ្រូ តែព្រះគ្រូគ្មានសេចក្តីស្រលាញ់ចំពោះខ្ញុំកូណា-- អើ តើអាចនឹងមានរូបសណ្ឋិតបែបម៉េចទៅ បើគ្មានសេចក្តី​ស្រលាញ់ផងហ្នឹង?  កូណាព្រះគ្រូ ខ្ញុំយល់រឿងហ្នឹង  តាមរយៈការអានសៀវភៅ ដែលសរសេរថា កាលណាយើងមានអារម្មណជឿជាក់ស្លុប ឬ ព្រះគ្រូមកសណ្ឋិត គឺ ស្មើរនឹងមានសេចក្តីស្រលាញ់ ដូច្នេះ កាលណាយើងមានអារម្មណ៍ថា ស្រលាញ នោះពិតជាមានសេចក្តីស្រលាញ់កើតឡើង។ ខ្ញុំធ្លាបបានទៅ ព្រះវិហារ ដារា ដែលទីនោះ ព្រះគ្រូធ្លាប់ទេសនាទូលរឿងមួយ ដែលថា កាលណោះ អ្នកបំរើសុំនេះសុំនោះពីម្ចាស់ផ្ទះ នាំំឲ្យម្ចាសផ្ទះធុញទ្រាន់ បញ្ជូនអ្នកបំរើឲ្យចាកចេញទៅកន្លែងផ្សេង តែបើសិនជា អ្នកបំរើពេញចិត្តជាមួយអ្វីដែលគេមានស្រាប់ នោះម្ចាស់ផ្ទះបែរជាផ្តល់ជូនអ្នកបំរើថែមទៀត ខ្ញុំកូណាឆ្ងល់ដែរថា ក្រែងលោ ខ្ញុំកូណាសុំឲ្យមានសេចក្តីស្រលាញ់ បានជាព្រះគ្រូមិនឲ្យសេចក្តីស្រលាញ់មកខ្ញុំកូណា  ធ្លាប់មានការពន្យល់បកស្រាយច្រើនលើកច្រើនសាររួចហើយ ថា ពេលតាំងសមាធិ គឺជាពេលគ្មានសុំអ្វីទាំងអស់  ក្រៅតែពីសុំ បើកទ្វារ ទទួលយក ព្រះមេត្តាករុណា និង ព្រះសណ្តោសប្រណី  គឺជាការ សុំ បួងសួង ប្រាថ្នា ពាក្យដដែលៗ បែបនេះ នៅពេលតាំងសមាធិ គឺត្រូវធ្វើឲ្យបានត្រឹមត្រូវ។ ការតាំងសមាធិនេះឯង គឺជា ការសុំ ការអង្វរ ដើម្បីនឹងទូទាត់ Repenting ជាមួយ កម្មពីអតីតកាល គឺជាការសុំ ទេវតា លើកលែងទោស អត់ទោស ប្រណីមេត្តា  ពោលគឺ ការតាំងសមាធិគ្រប់ដណ្តប់គ្រប់់សាច់រឿង។ ដូច្នេះ អ្វីដែលទេវតា ទ្រង់គិតថា ល្អបំផុត វិសេសបំផុតសម្រាប់យើង និងទ្រង់់នឹងប្រទាន មកឲ្យយើង  បើទោះបីជា ញោម សុំ ឬ មិនបានសុំ ពី ទេវតា ក៍គង់តែទេវតាប្រទានឲ្យដែរ។  ដូច្នេះ ញោម មិនត្រូវសុំ អ្វីឡើយ ពី អង្គទេវតា ទេវតាទ្រង់់ញាណ។  អ្វីដែលយើងត្រូវការចំបាច់ គឺ​ទេវតាដឹងទ្រង់ញាណ។  ពេលនោះ យើងនឹងយល់ថា ទេវតាគឺជា​ អ្នកប្រទាន ដ៍ប្រសើរបំផុត  តែខ្លួនឯង ឬ ខ្លួនយើងគឺជា អ្នកទទួល ក៍គួរឲ្យអាសូរ ហេតុអ្វីចាំបាចចំណាយពាក្យពេជ្ជក្នុងការស្នើរសុំធ្វើអ្វី ? យើងត្រូវចាំថា អ្វីដែលយើងសុំ គឺ តាមរយៈការតាំងសមាធិនេះឯង។  តើមានន័យថាម៉េច? មានប្រយោជន៍អ្វីដែល អ្នកបំរើសុំអ្វីៗជាច្រើនពីយើង  យើងចង់បានអ្វីៗសព្វបែបយ៉ាងមានក្នុងខ្លួនយើង​  តែបែរជាខ្លួនយើង មិនទាំងអាចអង្គុយតាំងសមាធិបានផងហ្នឹង ? ឥលូវញោម បានដឹង បានឃើញថា អ្នកណាគេចង់បានសព្វបែបយ៉ាង តែមិនអាចអង្គុយតាំងសមាធិ ការតាំងសមាធិ គឺដើម្បី យកចិត្ត បំពេញចិត្ត please ចំពោះ ទេវតា ឬ ព្រះពុទ្ធអង្គ។ បើអីចឹង មិនចាំបាច់សុំអ្វីពី អង្គទេវតាទៀតឡើយ ។ ការគោរពបូជាចំពោះព្រះធម៍  គឺជាការគោរពបូជាដល់ ទេវតា ទាំងនេះគឺជា អត្តន័យនៃការ បំពេញព្រះទ័យអង្គទេវតា  យើងបំពេញព្រះទ័យអង្គទេវតា ទ្រង់សប្បាយព្រះទ័យ នោះ យើងនឹងបានឃើញអំពី ព្រះសណ្តោសប្រណី We seek His forgiveness. សូមអរ ព្រះគុណ ជាអម្ចាស់។  

 Q & A= 25( 3 minutes, 07 seconds)  Master what are the benefits of parsha? Are there benefits derived it? Depends whether Prasha is sweet or salty. Are there spiritual benefits from it? Well, if you want to calculate mathematically, there is no gain at all. It just tastes good. If you take it with love and devotion. And it reminds you of your master. It reminds you of the teaching. It reminds you the way of living, the way of Santhmat. It withdraws your mind from the worldly senses and pulls you towards the direction of the father. It has great benefit if you think just taking few pieces of prashal. It's going to transform you into a holy man. You are wrong. Thank you, master.  ព្រះគ្រូជាអម្ចាស់ តើការសួត្រ ប៉ារ៉ា មានផលប្រយោជន័បែបណា? --ធម៍សូត្រពេលបុណ្យភ្ជុំ អំពី ពុទ្ធប្រវត្តិ ) តើការសូត្រ ប៉ារ៉ា បានផលជាអ្វី ?  តើការសូត្រ ប៉ារ៉ា អាស្រ័យលើថា វាមានរសជាតិផ្អែម ឬ ប្រៃទេ ពិរោះឬ មិនពិរោះទេ តើការសូត្រធម៍នេះ មានផលដែរទេ ?  ញោម  បើសិនជាយើងចង់គណនា បែបជា ម៉ាតេមាទិក គណិតវិជ្ជា គឺយើងមិនអាចធ្វើបានទេ ដោយសារវាគ្មាន គ្រាប់ ស្រាប់ រាប់ ឬ គណនា  តែថា​ ការសូត្រ ប៉ារ៉ា​មានរសជាតិ ឆ្ងាយ មានន័យ  បើសិនជា ញោមបាន សូត្រប៉ារ៉ានេះ នោះនឹងមាន សេចក្តី ស្រលាញ់ និងការ បូជា Love and Devotion  ហើយការសួត្រ ប៉ារ៉ានេះ នឹងរំលឹក ញោមឲ្យឃើញព្រះគ្រូរបស់ញោម វានឹងរំលឹកញោមអំពី ធម័ទេសនា  វានឹងរំលឹកញោម អំពីការកសាងជីវិត រស់នៅ តាមផ្លូវ ព្រះសុទ្ធមាគ៍ា  វានឹងដកចិត្តញោមចេញពី ចក្រវាឡខាងក្រៅ ចូលមកខាងក្នុង  សំដៅផ្លូវទៅកាន់ឋានទេវតា ។ ការសូត្រធម៍ប៉ារ៉ា មានប្រយោជន័ខ្លាំង  បើសិនជាញោមបានធ្វើតែបន្តិចបន្តួចក្តី  វាជួយញោមប្រែក្លាយជាមនុស្សទេព។  អ្វីដែលញោមគិតពីខាងលើ គឺជាការខុសឆ្កង-- សូមអរព្រះគុណ។ 

 Q & A= 26 ( 1 minutes, 40 seconds) Master, when I was first a Satsangy, I would hear a lot of other satsangies tell me things that Master had said in discourse and yet sometimes became confusing because I felt I was or was not doing what these satsangies had told me that Master had said.  Now that I'm a little more mature, I get the feeling that I have a personal relationship with Master and I individually hear certain things that the Master says concerning spiritual progress in life in the world. Now I guess what I'm asking is, is this a normal thing? To listen for yourself what the Master says on tape and books, and not necessarily listen to what other satsangies say, the Master says. Brother. Every disciple has personal relationship with the father, with the master. Nobody comes between them. It is a personal relationship. It is not a question of outside relationship. It is the inside relationship. The more we are nearer to our goal, the more we feel nearer to the master. The more we are nearer to the master within, the more nearer to to we are to our goal. Our destination. This is absolutely 100% percent relationship with the master. តារាងសង្ខេប ពាក្យបច្ចេកទេស នៃ ជំនឿ ប្រាថ្នា ការគោរព/បរិចាក ការបូជា និង សេចក្តីស្រលាញ់    ព្រះគ្រូ ពេលខ្ញុំកូណា ក្លាយជា ះ្នកធ្វើធម៍ដំបូង គឺមានអ្នកធ្វើធម៍មុនៗ គេប្រាប់ខ្ញុំថា ព្រះគ្រូទូលបែបនេះ ឬ បែបនោះ តែពេលខ្ញុំបានជួបព្រះគ្រូផ្ទាល់ ដូចជា មានការ  ច្រលំបល់ ដូចជាខ្ញុំកូណា បានធ្វើ ឬ មិនបានធ្វើ មិនដឹងថា ត្រូវធ្វើតាមពួកគេ ឬ ធ្វើតាមព្រះគ្រូ ?។ ឥលូវនេះ ខ្ញូំកូណមានការកក់ក្តៅជាងមុខ ដោយសារបានជួបផ្ទាល់ជាមួយព្រះគ្រូ  មានទំនាក់ទំនងផ្ទាល់ជាមួយព្រះ បានឮសូរផ្ទាល់ អំពី ព្រះធម៍ដែលព្រះគ្រូទេសនាទូលប្រាប់ ពេលនេះ គ្រានេះ ខ្ញុំសូមសួរព្រះគ្រូថា តើនេះជា ចរិកធម្មជាតិ គឺ បែបហ្នឹងឬ?   ញោម ញោមត្រូវតែស្តាប់ដោយខ្លួនឯង នូវអ្វីដែលញោមបានឮ ពីព្រះគ្រូ បានដឹងពី សៀវភៅ គឺមិនត្រូវ ស្តាប់ ឬ ធ្វើតាមអ្វីដែល អ្នកធ្វើធម៍ ដូចគ្នាគេប្រាប់់តាម ញោមទេ  អ្នករាល់ គ្នា គឺមាន ទំនាក់ទំនងផ្ទាល់ជាមួយ ព្រះគ្រូ គ្មាននណាម្នាក់ធ្វើជា មេអណ្តើក ឬ មនុស្សកណ្តាលឡើយ  នោះគឺជា ទំនាកទំនងផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន  មិនមែនជារឿង ទំនាក់ទំនងខាងក្រៅឡើយ  គឺជាទនាក់ទំនងខាងក្នុងខ្លួន  យើងកាន់តែ កៀកជីតជាមួយគោលបំណងធំ គឺ យើងកាន់តែកៀកជីតស្និតជាមួយ ព្រះគ្រូ  ដូចគ្នាដែរ យើងកាន់តែ ជិតដិតជាមួយ ព្រះគ្រូ គឺកាន់តែជិតស្និតជាមួយ គោលបំណងធំ កាន់តែជិតកៀកជាមួយ វាសនារបស់ យើង  គឺយើងកាន់តែ ជិតស្និត ១០០% ជាមួយ ព្រះគ្រូ។

   Q & A= 27 ( 1 minutes, 40 seconds)  Maharaji, many of us have expressed their love for you and appreciation for your love, and also the fact that in your presence we feel diseased and crippled. I have heard you answer this question many times on tapes and in the books, but this is the first time in your presence. I would like to hear you say and assure us that there are no failures in this path. Why do you want to want me to assure you at every step, every day, so that we may fail again and again. See, one soul has to super out. It has to become a tree and it has to bear fruit. Seed one son will not be destroyed. It has to grow and grow and grow to become one with the father. Thank you. Question of failure doesn't arise the.  ព្រះគ្រូ ពួកយើងជាច្រើន បានបង្ហាញពី ចិត្តស្រលាញ់ចំពោះព្រះគ្រួ  ក៍បានទាំង ថ្លែងអំពីគុណផងដែរ ដែលព្រះគ្រូ មានសេចក្តីស្រលាញ់ចំពោះយើងវិញ  តែផ្ទុយទៅវិញ ពេលពួកយើងជួបព្រះគ្រូ​ពលនេះ បែរជាមានអារម្មណ័ថា ឈឺផ្សា ដូចជា ក្តកក្តួលពិបាកថ្លែងដូចជា ពិការភាព។ ខ្ញុំកូណាបាន ស្តាប់ តាមកាសែត បានអានសៀវភៅ ទើបតែពេលនេះ បានជួយព្រះគ្រូផ្ទាល់ ខ្ញុំសូមព្រះគ្រូ ទូលឲ្យប្រាកដច្បាស់ថា ពួកយើងកុំមានការបែកគ្នាក្នុងផ្លូវព្រះធម៍នេះឲ្យសោះ។  ហេយុអ្វីបានជាញោម ចងឲ្យអាត្មាភាព តាមណែនាំគ្រប់ជំហាន ? គ្រប់ពេលវេលា រាល់ៗថ្ងៃ បែរជា បរាជ័យ ម្តងហើយ ម្តងទៀតទៅវិញ ? ញោមមឃើញទេ ព្រលឹងមួយ មានទំហំធំ ខ្លាំងកម្រិតណា  អ្វីៗ ត្រូវតែក្លាយជា ដើមឈើធំមួយ ដើមឈើត្រូវតែ ផ្តល់ជាផ្លែផ្កា ។ គ្រាប់ពូជ នៃ ព្រលឹងមួយ មិនអាចមានអ្វីមកបំផ្លាញបានឡើយ គ្រាប់ពូជនេះ ត្រូវតែដុះលូតលាស់ ៗ នឹងត្រូវតែ ក្លាយទៅ តែមួយ ជាមួយ ព្រះពុទ្ធអង្គវិញ ។ សូមអរ ព្រះគុណ។ ពរ បញ្ហាបរាជ័យ មិនអាច កើតមាននៅទីនេះឡើយ ។

  Q & A= 28 ( 2 minutes, 49 seconds)  Master, back home we have a problem of we think it is a misunderstanding. We are not rich enough to invite everybody over our mini bandara. We have a tendency of inviting some of our friends whom we think are close to us and we make sort of a mini bandara. But we have been receiving complaints from some of our friends that we are discriminating which is sort of creating some kind of discomling. Whereas would you think that it is just a good idea if we could meet a few of us and discuss about the past and have a couple of couple of something. So if some complaint that we are discriminating, whereas we think it is an opportunity for us to meet and discuss this issue must, maybe you can need. Brother, you have come from which country? Uganda. Uganda, you want to collect at one place to perform some mini Bandara? Yes, we do it. Yes. Then what is the problem? I mean, some of us complain, whoever I don't invite complain is that we are discriminating if we is not invited. They complain that they are not invited whoever don't invite, if the mini bandara is a small one and we were, we were just a few whom we think we can feed on that mini banana. It depend upon the situation in every country the question of celebrating bandara. I don't know what is your concept, whether just to get together and punjaya, cookies and foods and parties or you have something else to share with each other. I don't know in what way you celebrate the bandaras. We just intend to meet the know each other and have such aggregator. That's the spirit. We get to know each other and discuss it. There is no harm in get getting together and know each other and then to strengthen each other's faith, each other's love for the path. And if anybody has any question, it can be dissolved, it can be discussed, the person can be guided. We get all the source of strength from one another. We are all held, you see. We are all meant to help each other on the path. So that should be the main object of getting together. Thats it. That is it Master. Yes, thats what it. Should it is a voluntary thing and not something very compulsory that people has to come, they must come. If someone doesnt want to come, why force force anyone? Thank you, Mr.  ព្រះគ្រូ ខ្ញុំកូណាមានរឿង រំលឹកឡើងវិញ រឿងនៅស្រុកកំណើត  ដែលពួកយើងគិតថា នោះជាការយល់ច្រលំ ដោយសារ ពួកយើង ក្រីក្រ មិនមានធនធានគ្រប់គ្រាន់សម្រាប់ អញ្ជើញមិត្តភ័ក្រឲ្យបានគ្រប់គ្នា មកចូលរួម បុណ្យភូមិកម្រិតតូចមួយ mini bandara  ពួកយើងដំបូង មូលគំនិតគ្នាគិតថា ចង់អញ្ជើញតែមិត្តគ័ក្រមួយចំនួន ដែលគិតថា ស្និតស្នាល ដើម្បីរៀបចំជាពិធីបុណ្យភូមិនេះឡើង  តែបែរជា ទទួលបានការ ស្តីបន្ទោសថា ពួកយើងជាមនុស្ស រើសអើង  វាក្លាយជាការមិនចុះសម្រុង ការប្រកែកគ្នា តើ ព្រះគ្រូ យល់ថា នេះជាការល្អទេ ដែលយើងអញ្ជើញមនុស្សតែមួយចំនួនតូចមកចូលរួមបុណ្យ ភូមិ ដើម្បី ប្រមូលទាន បច្ច័យរួចបែងចែកទានទាំងនោះ។ មួយទៀត ក្នុងករណី ដែលមានការ តវ៉ាបែបនេះ តើយើងត្រូវតែជួបជុំគ្នាដើម្បី ពិភាក្សារកដំណោះស្រាយ ទេ សូមព្រះគ្រូ ជួយផ្តល់ជា ព្រះឪវាទផងចុះ?  តើ ញោម មកពី ប្រទេស ណាដែរ?  ខ្ញុំកូណា មកពី Uganda  តើញោមចង់ ជួបជុំគ្នានៅកន្លែងមួយ ដើម្បី រៀបចំបុណ្យ Bandara នេះឬ ? កូណា  ពិតមែន ចុះអ្វីជា បញ្ហា? ខ្ញុំកូណា មានន័យថា អ្នកដែលខ្ញុំមិនបាន អញ្ចើញ ពួកគេ ស្តីបន្ទោសខ្ញុំ ថាជាមនុស្ស រើសអើងណាស់ ព្រោះ មិនអញ្ជើញពួកគេ។។ ខ្ញុំកូណា មិនអញ្ជើញពួកគេមក ដោយសារ គិតថា ជាបុណ្យតូច ចំណែកខ្ញុំ ក៍ក្រីក្រដែរ ដូច្នេះ បើអញ្ជើញភ្ញៀវមកច្រើន ក៍វាលើសសមត្ថភាព។  រឿងរៀបចំបុណ្យ Banadara នេះ វាអាស្រ័យតាមប្រទេសនីមួយៗ អត្មា មិនដឹងអំពី គំនិតញោមប្រុស ទេ Concept តើញោមប្រុស គ្រាន់តែធ្វើពិធីជួបជុំគ្នាទេ ? ឬ មានការ ចែកទានដែរ Punjaka, មានការរៀបចំជាការធ្វើនំ cookies មាន រៀបចំជា បាយទឹក ឬ រៀបចំជា ការជប់លៀង Partie ឬ មួយមានអ្វី ផ្សេងទៀតលើសពីនេះ ដើម្បីចែករំលែកគ្នា?  អាត្មាភាព មិនដឹងថា ញោម រៀបចំបុណ្យ តាមរបៀបណាទេ ។  ពួកយើង គ្រាន់់តែធ្វើបុណ្យនេះ ដើម្បី ចង់ជួបជុំគ្នា ពួកយើងចង់មានការប្រមូលផ្តុំជុំគ្នា aggregator ដើម្បីធ្វើបុណ្យ ដើម្បី បានជួបគ្នា ពិភាក្សាគ្នា។   ការជួបជុំគ្នាគ្មានអ្វីជាការឈឺចាប់នោះទេ  ការស្គាល់គ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក ការពង្រឹងនូវសទ្ធាជ្រះថ្លារវាងគ្នានឹងគ្នា សុទ្ធតែគ្មានអ្វីគួរជាការឈឺចាប់ឡើយ បើសិន នណាម្នាក់គេមាន បញ្ហា យើងនាំគ្នាពិភាក្សាគ្នាចុះ  អ្នកណាម្នាក់អាចកក្លាយជាអ្នកណែនាំផ្លូវរកដំណោះស្រាយ  យើងជួយគ្នាម្នាក់បន្តិចៗ​ យើងមានធនធានពីក្រប់ជ្រុង យើងខ្លាំង  គឺ យើងជួយគ្នា  ដូចជា ញោមឃើញពេលនេះស្រាប់ថា យើងជួយគ្នា ដើរនៅលើផ្លូវព្រះធម៍  បែបនេះ គឺយើង ដើរលើផ្លូវសំខាន់តែមួយជាមួយគ្នា ។ នេះជា ផ្លូវព្រះគ្រូ ដែល ការចូលរួម ត្រូវតែជាការស្ម័ក្រចិត្ត មិនមែនជាការបង្ខំ អ្នកណាចង់មក គេនឹងមក អ្នកណាមិនចង់ កំុំឡើយបង្កំពួកគេ ហេតុអ្វី យើងត្រូវបង្ខំពួកគេ?  កូណា ព្រះគ្រូ សូមអរ ព្រះគុណ។

  Q & A= 29 ( 1 minutes, 41 seconds)  Master, right after I became an initiate a couple of years ago, I was approached by a person who offered me a terrific business proposition and I was so thrilled and excited when I found out that he was also a Satsangi. After I went into this business proposition with this person, I found out that his spiritual ethics were very questionable and my question is to you does because a person is initiated as a Satsangi, does it make any comment about his ethics spiritually and how he conducts himself? Deal in business. As a business, you should have a business dealing on the footing of a business. You meet Satsanghis on the foot of Satsangi. Don't try to mix them. So your answer is that a Satsangi, when he becomes a businessman, does not carry the same ethics. He may not. You don't know what type of businessman he may. He is, yes, this is true. So you have to, you must stand on on your own guard. Well, I was very naive at the time and I thought it was a great benediction from you that you would have introduced me to another satsangi as a partner so quickly. Well, brother, we justify many things when we need something. Somebody's help? Some sports, something to lean on. We try to justify in many ways. So it's always on business. We should deal in a business way. On Satsang, we should deal in a business in a different way. Thank you, master.  ព្រះគ្រូ ខ្ញុំកូណាមានបញ្ហា គឺកាលពី ប៉ុន្មានឆ្នាំមុន កាលណោះខ្ញុំកូណាទើបតែបួសថ្មីៗ មានមនុស្សម្នាក់ គេចូលមកជួបខ្ញុំកូណា និង ឲ្យគម្រោងអាជីវកម្មដ៍អស្ចារ្យមួយមកខ្ញុំកូណា  កាលណោះខ្ញុំកូណាសែន ត្រេកអរ រំភើបជាពន់ពេកណាស់ ដោយសារ ឃើញថា គាត់នោះគឺជាមនុស្សបួសដែរ ជាមនុស្សធ្វើធម៍ដែរ ។ បន្ទាប់ពី ខ្ញុំកូណាចូលរួមជាមួយ សំណើររកស៊ីធ្វើអាជីវកម្មជាមួយគាត់មក ខ្ញុំប្រទះឃើញថាគាត់ជាមនុស្សដែលមាន ក្របសីលធម៍ អ្នកបួសអ្នកធម៍អារ្យដូចជា មានបញ្ហាច្រើនពេកណាស់ តើព្រះគ្រូ គិតឃើញបែបណា? តើគាត់នោះ ដោះស្រាយខ្លួនឯងបែបណាជាមួយ ផ្លូវព្រះធម៍?  ទាក់់ទងដល់ការធ្វើជំនួញ ត្រូវតែ ដោះស្រាយតាមឬសគល់នៃការធ្វើជំនួញ ពេលនេះ ញោម បានជួបជាមួយ អ្នកបួស នៅចុងជើងនៃអ្នកបួស ចូរញោមកុំគម្បីព្យាយាម មិចបញ្ចូលគ្នា ។ បើដូច្នេះ ព្រះគ្រូ ចង់ទូលសំដៅថា អ្នកបួសរៀន ពេលធ្វើជំនួញផ្ទុយពី ផ្លូវធម៍អីចឹងឬ ? មិនទេ ញោម ញោម អាចមិនដឹងថា គាត់នោះ ធ្វើជំនួញលើវិស័យអ្វីទេ  ដូច្នេះ ញោមត្រូវតែ ឈ លើ គោលការណ៍មួយច្បាស់លាស់ ថា គោលបំណងធំរបស់ ញោម ជាអ្វី ? ខ្ញុំកូណា ស្តាប់់យល់ហើយ ព្រះគ្រូ ជាមនុស្សមានពរជ័យច្រើន សូម ព្រះគ្រូជួយណែនាំឲ្យខ្ញុំកូណា ជួបជាមួយមនុស្សណាម្នាក់ផ្សេងទៀត ដែលជាអ្នក បួស ឲ្យបានឆាប់ៗមកមកចុះ  ចំរើនពរ ញោម ប្រុស យើងត្រូវការ កត្តាច្រើនយ៉ាងដើម្បី វាយតម្លៃតម្រូវការ របស់ញោម  តើមានអ្នកណាអាចជួយគាតបានទេ? អាចធ្វើការ ផ្នែក កីឡា បានទេ  បើធ្វើផ្នែកនេះ ញោមត្រូវរៀនច្រើន​ថែមទៀត យើងត្រូវព្យាយាមច្រើនផ្លូវ ដើម្បី វិភាគអំពី ប្រភេទអាជីវកម្ម  ជំនួញ  គឺត្រូវ យកជំនួញ ដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាជំនួញ ទាក់ទងជាមួយ ធម័ទេសនាសុទ្ធសាងនេះ គឺថា ញោមត្រូវដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាជំនួញ មុខរបរតាមច្រើនប្រភេទផ្សេងៗគ្នា។ សូម អរ ព្រះគុណ ។

  Q & A= 30  ( 2 minutes, 06 seconds)  Martha, is there a difference between looking to you with a good eye and looking to you with a bad eye, A lazy eye, so to say. I don't know the proper medical word in Latin, but a lazy eye is an eye which has been damaged by accident or something like that. When I look with my wrong eye, I cannot see your face well and I don't know if there is any difference. I'm not following your problem. I've got a lazy eye. You have a lazy eye. Yes. I'm not a doctor. What a lazy eye. Yes, A few years ago I had an accident and my I. See some defect in the eye? Yes, yes, defect. Yes. Then in the brains, yes, yes. They followed then and is there a difference between looking to you with a lazy eye or with looking to you with the healthy eye? Then then yes, because now I've I've got 3-3 eyes, third eye, the the healthy eye and the lazy eye. So the best is ignore these two eyes and look with the third eye. Third eye, yes. So that that's not damaged, that has not been damaged. That doesn't need any medical aid at all. No, no. OK. So look with the third eye, yes. OK. Thank. You all right? We'll meet tomorrow again at the same time.  ព្រះគ្រូ មហារាជា តើមានភាពខុសគ្នាទេ រវាងការមើលព្រះគ្រូ ដោយប្រើភ្នែកល្អ និង​ភ្នែកអាក្រក់ ពោលគឺសំដៅលើ ភ្នែកខ្ជិល ខ្ញុំកូណា មិនចេះពាក្យពេទ្យ មិនដឹងជាហៅថាម៉េច ជាភាសា ឡាតាំង  តែភ្នែកខ្ជិល គឺជាភ្នែកដែលខូចដោយសារគ្រោះថ្នាក់ ឬ មានរឿងអ្វីមួយ  ពេលខ្ញុំកូណា សំលឹងមើល​ដោយប្រើភ្នែកខូចនេះ  ខ្ញុំមើលមិនឃើញ មុខ ព្រះគ្រូទេ  ខ្ញុំមិនដឹងថា វាមានការខុសគ្នាបែបណា?   ញោម អាត្មាភាព ចាប់សំនូរញោម មិនបានទេ  ត់ើញោមមានបញ្ហាអ្វី?  ខ្ញុំកូណា មានភ្នែកខ្ជិល អ្ហា ញោម មានភ្នែកខ្ជិល? គូណា ព្រះគ្រូ  អាត្មាភាព មិនមែនជា ដុកទ័រទេ  តើភ្នែកខ្ជិលជាអ្វី?  កាលពី ជាង ៣ ឆ្នាំមុន ខ្ញុំកូណា ជួបគ្រោះថ្នាក់  អីចឹង ភ្នែកញោម ពិការ? បាទ កូណាម្ចាស់  ដោយសារភ្នែកនេះ វាមានទាក់ទងជាមួយ ខួរក្បាល  អីចឹងបានជាខ្ញុំកូណាសុំសួរព្រះគ្រូថា ខ្ញុំកូណាគួរមើលព្រះគ្រូដោយភ្នែគល្អ ឬ ភ្នែកខ្វាក់?  ដោយសារពេលនេះ ខ្ញុកូណាមានភ្នែកទី ៣ ផង និង ភ្នែកខ្ជិលផង  ជាការល្អ កុំប្រើភ្នែកទាំង ២ នោះ ត្រូវប្រើភ្នែកទី ៣ ដោយសារភ្នែកនេះ មិនពិការ មិនខូច  ដូច្នេះ មិនចាំបាច់់ ប្រើថ្នាំ ឬ ព្យាបាលអ្វីទាំងអស  អរគុណ ព្រះគ្រូ ជាអនេក....ទាំងអស់គ្នា សុខសប្បាយទេ? Okay យើងជួបគ្នានៅ ថ្ងៃស្អែកជាបន្តទៀត ៕

Questions and Answers Volum 1

   Is it a metaphor for meditation You want to ask any questions, you are most welcome. Maharaj Ji, first, I’d just like to thank you for myself and I’m sure all my brothers and sisters for coming last night, and I know you were probably very tired after the long journey and to come and say “good night” to us - was very kind. Brother it’s always a pleasure to see you. Thank you. And one other thing was, I found that yesterday early before lunchtime, I was sure that you were going to come and I was all anticipating your arrival. I was all excited and any minute I thought you were going to come around every corner. And then after lunch, I thought you were going to come for an afternoon session, and I kept expecting you to come around every corner. And then at dinner time - I kept expecting to see you come. And I had all this anticipation and as the night wore on and I started getting more and more tired, I started thinking well maybe you're not going to come. And then when nightfall came, my mind was already sure that you weren't going to come. And then I noticed that all of a sudden, amidst the sound of horns - and you were kind enough, to leave your interior lights on in your car - You did come! And what my question is : It seemed like it was kind of a metaphor or an example of meditation where at the beginning maybe the first hour, I'm real excited and anticipating ... Well, you can draw your own conclusions - but for your information, I'm glad you only started thinking from the 8th morning. Some of you were sitting here on the 7th and they are waiting for me from 7th morning. That’s right. But I never sent any word that I am coming on 10th noon. I sent a word here to the management - I'll be coming 8th evening late. But this mind is such, you can't help it ... It makes us restless. Is it also Master’s telling us that if we wait, and we, sometimes when we're least expecting it, at the last minute, He’ll come? I think we should put our best sincere efforts and leave the result to Him. When He thinks it proper, let it come. After all our anxiety, our effort, is not going to bear any fruit at all. It is entirely in His hands - so why not leave it to HIm, rather than taking the whole burden on our shoulder. We just put our efforts, sincere efforts, and our duty is just to knock and leave it to the owner. Let Him open whenever He wants to. How we can put our demand before our knocking even? Our duty is only to knock. That is His duty. We should be sincere in our own duty and you won't find Him lacking. Thank you, Maharaj Ji. Thank you. Love is love with no expections Master, what did you meant with me yesterday? Hmmm? What did you meant with me yesterday? What do you mean? Can you make yourself little more clearer? I lost your darshan yesterday. Hmmm? I lost the first darshan yesterday. Where were you? I wasnt't able to come. From where? I was here. Then? Something happened to me and I couldn't come. What was holding you back? Something happened and I couldn't come. Alright now you have come, then why worry? I'm not worried but I didn't know what happened with me. Then you should know, brother, what's happening with you. You know better. My knowing won't solve any problem as long as you try to understand yourself. That’s more essential. I don't understand anything. Because you have to live with yourself, not with me. Why? I must live with you, not with me. You have to live with yourself. But what is myself? Which you are saying yourself now - that why did I miss the darshan. After all somebody is speaking within you. What is that? This is darshan. Somebody is speaking within you. Live with that. You have to make your own arrangements, own thinking, own planning. Master, you say that, real love is love with no expectations. Is it bad if I want to have your darshan, if I want to come very near to you, very close to you, if I want to see you in your eyes, if I want to touch you. Is this bad? These all are expectations. But all the satsangis have, I think they have the same expectations, and so it is very difficult that all these wishes can become reality. Brother, love is in the heart - it is not in the flesh. It is not in the flesh - yes. Whether you touch or not, that doesn't solve any problem. But if the awareness is not high enough. Then? To feel the omnipresence of the Master everywhere. Then, awaken that awareness - rather than use your flesh for that. How, how ? Just as you realize that there is no awareness. Now you're realizing there's no awareness. There is awareness. The awareness who allows us to feel you everywhere and most important in ourself. But if this awareness is not high enough to feel this, what can we do? What can I do? Leave it to the Lord. Leave it to the Father. Don’t bring your I and leave it to Him. Yes sister? Maharaj Ji, when does the person know when it's their time. Pardon? When does a person know when it's their time to be initiated. Time to be initiated? Yes. Sister, I have said many times, one must understand the philosophy thoroughly. Then the pull must come from within, with vehement force. One should not be able to resist it. That is the time for seeking initiation. Thank you. The most welcome brother Maharaj Ji, I’m a humble seeker who have come to seek liberation from the bondage of … From where have you come, brother? From New York, Maharaj Ji. From? From New York City, Maharaji Ji. New York. You’re most welcome, brother. Thank you very much. Most, most welcome. I have felt a great pull drawing me here. I hope you have read some books. Many books, Maharaj Ji. Then you are most welcome to ask any question. Anything which not clear you are most welcome to … My question is Maharaj Ji - I have put my papers in for initiation. But how will I know, that I am for you? Well, let the time come. Meanwhile, you can ask any questions you feel like - as long as you are here, attending the meetings. Rest we can see to it. Thank you, Maharaj Ji. I’m not clear what you just said to me. Pardon? I didn't quite hear what you said to me, Maharaj Ji. I said as long as you're here, you can ask any number of questions about the philosophy and then later on we will see about your initiation. Because have you applied for it? Yes, Maharaj Ji. Then the information must have reached your country back. They will do it accordingly. Thank you, Maharaj Ji. Yes please? Meditation is a rehearsal to die Master, we know that meditation is a rehearsal to die. If we often feel that we are dying physically, is that a wrong attitude? What do you mean by physically feel dying? Feel like we're on the verge of dying, actually. Hmmm? Feel like we're on the verge of dying from the physical flesh. Is that a wrong attitude? No, no, one should be prepared for death anytime. That is a different thing. But no question of feeling of dying. We should all be prepared that whenever He wants us to quit from the stage, we should leave smilingly. That is a different attitude. We should not always go on thinking about our death. Thank you. I teach people to exercise with loud rock music. What is optimism What is rock music? It has a very heavy rhythm, a down beat. I could sing some. You see, it is not the job which matter, it is how much your attention is spread. The job, how much it takes your mind out. How much is your attention spreads out, that matters, in meditation. I understand, so that could be anything. It wouldn't matter if it was … It can be anything. Fine, great. Thank you very much. Master, I just wanted to have a follow-up question from our interview this morning. Feeling the glory of the power in meditation In meditation, when you're feeling the glory of the power in your meditation, is this okay to feel and love and want more of this energy that comes through? What do you mean by feel? When, myself when I'm in deep meditation, I feel that I am receiving so much grace. In meditation we always build certain atmosphere, certain bliss, certain peace, which we like to retain as much as we can, even in our daily activities. Which helps us to go through ups and down of the whole day. And the bliss that you feel in meditation, it's good to want more of this? Naturally. Who would like to deny that? I was just wondering if it was wrong to be so greedy, to want more. No in meditation you're never greedy. I feel like it. You see, in love one is never greedy. The more you give the more you receive, the more it grows, the more you want. The only thing between us and God Thank you. Why do we need more stages Ah, we are told that the only thing that is between us and God is our mind and I do not understand the mind has its source in Trikuti. Yes. Why do we need more stages? The fourth stage … Why we need more? Stages ... Why do we need stages behind Trikuti? When we have Trikuti, our mind is conquered. You see till Trikuti, we are in the domain of Kal. It’s a domain of birth and death. It is a domain of action reaction. It is a domain of karmas. Unless his karmas are clear, you cannot escape from Trikuti. When you go beyond the realm of mind and maya, then you clear all your karmas. Then there is no weight on the soul, and mind is separated from the soul. Then all those karmas or anything else, cannot pull back the soul to the level of creation. It is only the karma which pulls the soul to the level of creation. When you go beyond the realm of karma, then nothing else is left to pull you to the level of creation. So we have got to go beyond Trikuti. Yes, and why we have to go further? There are more stages. We go to Trikuti because it is third region, then we have conquered our mind. There is no karma, there is no maya. Why do we have to go further? Because other yogis, may be yoga Vashista and Ramana Maharishi also say you must conquer your mind. But they say then it is okay. But in Sant Mat it told us to go further to the fifth region. I will tell you - if you go beyond the realm of mind and maya, you will not take birth. But when another grand creation will come, you may have to come back. If you go beyond the fourth region, fourth realm, then even if there's any other creation, you will not come back at all. How can there be anything after Maya Yes, but how can there be anything after maya? Maya is ... our world comes to creation. Yes. And after, when there is no maya, how can there be a sound at the fifth level ? How can there be delusion ? I'll tell you. You see when the whole creation is dissolved, it only remains till fourth stage. And from there it can be created again - by the Lord. But those who beyond the fourth stage, they will not come back to the creation - whenever this creation may be created again. Yes but when you say there is a fourth stage, What is the 8th stage then it means there is Maya? There’s no question of maya. Only God is beyond ... When God created the creation, nothing existed. Bible says in St. John - Nothing existed, only the God. There was no maya at all. Only He existed. He projected Himself. Then He created maya, then He created mind. There was no maya at that stage. But this highest stage is the eighth stage. You call it ... you see there is a sub-division of the fifth one. Fifth stage or eight stage, it comes to same thing. But I want to know what is at the other stages. What it as the fourth stage, what happens there. Why do we need us the fourth stage, the fifth stage, the sixth stage, the seventh stage and the eighth stage? I say fifth, so you call it fifth or sixth, seventh, eighth, it is same thing. There is no difference at all. They’re only subdivision of the fifth stage. But between the fifth stage and the eighth stage there's a difference - because in the eighth stage, there is no sound, there is nothing - only God exists. Sound itself is God. There is no other God. Word is God. Christ says, Word is God. There is no other God. We are just confused by the seventh, sixth, stages. You see there is nothing like seventh, sixth, stages. Only five stages. Fifth stage some people have sub-divided them. Just some mystic have divided all two stages. Braham and Par-Braham. Below Trikuti and beyond Trikuti. They have not confused seekers more. Others have described five stages. Some have described eight stages you see, taking an account of the subdivision of the fifth stage. Okay, I see but please can you tell me what happens at the third stage? At the fifth stage and at the fourth stage? Fifth stage you are part of the Father, you will not come back at all. Is there a difference … Whenever there is a creation again, souls till fourth stage can be sent back. But those who go beyond the realm of fourth stage, even if there's any other creation again - they will never be sent back. How can they be sent back when there is no karma? No maya? There is no question of karma. Where was the karma when the God created the creation? Where was the karma, where was the maya? When the God created this whole creation, where were the karmas? Where was the maya? There was no maya - no (karma) ... I mean no karmas. Only He existed, nothing existed. He has projected Himself into this creation. He created maya. He created mind. He created Kal - for this creation to continue. So He creates everything. There is no maya there. What is beyond In the Amrita yoga - they make a clear definition. They say - when you go beyond maya and your mind, then there is nothing seen, no act of seeing and no seer. It’s just a way of explaining. But this happens in Sant Mat at the third stage. Am I right? Well, you can say it. Some people have tried to explain only till second stage. And then they say beyond, Par Braham. They don't try to explain much at all. Some mystics have explained beyond that. Others have not. It is unnecessary to explain to a ... you see, a student of elementary class. But how can there be an explanation when there is no mind? No explanation After Trikuti, there can't be no explanation because it is no mind, no thoughts. That’s what I say, mind is not there. Mind is maximum in the second stage. So how can there be another stage when there is no mind? Stage is only mind. You mean to say that stage ... there cannot be stage without the mind? No, No ... He is creating all these ... Then the Lord ... then where the Lord stay? You mean, He has to stay within the realm of mind? No, this is the only stage which is behind, I think, I hope. You can make it two stages, you can make five stages, you can make eight stages; it comes to the same thing. Okay. Thank you. It is a way of explaining things. But mind doesn't work beyond second stage. Certain impressions of our karmas remain on the soul, after second stage. Even they are washed out in the third stage. What we call 'Sanskaras' - impressions on the soul, of the so many million births. They are not sufficient to pull you back, and they don't disturb you, but certain impressions are there, certain shadows are there on the soul. Even they are washed (off) in the third stage. And on the fourth stage there happens nothing special? Nothing. Nothing. Okay. Then fourth and fifth stage is nearly also the same? Let us go beyond second stage - that is sufficient. Art Hello Master. I was interested in where you feel art comes from and if you have a talent, if it's important that you express it on the earth, if you're meditating. I am not initiated yet but I'm seeking initiation. I’ve not followed your question. Well, if you love dancing or drawing or something like that,- is it important for you to express your talent? Is it important to do much work towards it? Or is the earth plane just somewhere that you work and earn your living and earn your keep? Well sister, some jobs are just for our mental satisfaction. Say hobby - to keep our mind absorbed, or they give us certain innocent pleasures. Others are for our living. It depends upon with what angle we look at them. Right. So if you love drawing or something like that, it's not necessarily important to really work hard to ... perfect it? Well, if you want to be perfect in your job, you have to work hard. Yes. Okay. Thanks. Concept of Will Maharaj Ji, the question I have is : where is the seat of the Will ? You see, what is the concept of Will ? Will is nothing but a mind. Will is a certain level of our own conscience. It is my will. Sometime we say it is the Master’s will. Sometimes we say it's a God's will. It is a very comparative word. Some perhaps say, - “I do it,” - " In my will.” Some just say, “It is the Masters will, I have to go through it." Some will say, “It is God's will, what else we can do?" What is your concept of will, you want to know? My idea is that the 'will' is some faculty of the soul that you have to meditate, that you have to get rid of mind? Well, brother, first we start with the will of the mind. Soul’s will, will be - souls always yearning to go back to it’s own source. Soul is not interested in this creation at all. It’s natural inclination is always towards the Father. It is the mind which is pulling the soul back to the level of creation. So we are all now living in the will of the mind. We all do what our mind dictates us to do. Mind is our master and we have become the slave. Slave has no option but to follow the Master. When we go beyond the realm of the mind and maya, then soul becomes the master, mind becomes the slave. Then we can say, - ' It is my will ' ' The soul’s will ' And soul’s will is always towards the Father, to live in His will, to be happy in His love and devotion, nothing else. Soul doesn't want anything else at all. So sometimes we often deceive ourselves saying : - I’m living in the will of the Master - We can say if we go beyond the realm of mind and maya. As long as mind is there, we cannot say we live in the will of the Master. We are living in the will of the mind. When we go beyond the mind, then we can say we live in the will of the Master - or God. It comes to same thing. Now we are all living in the will of the mind. It may be a noble mind, it may be a higher mind, it may be an evil mind. And we all are dominated by the mind. And mind is already a slave of the senses. Mind is not also independent. It has become slave of the senses. Mind is living in the will of the senses. Any sense can pull the mind to its own level. So we have to reverse the whole process. Now senses are controlling the mind, mind is controlling the soul. So with meditation, or with the help of Shabd, we want to reverse the whole process. So that the soul may control the mind and mind may control the senses. Then we conquer the mind. Then we are living in the will of the Father. Thank you, Maharaj Ji. Then I understand that there's no free will? I think you understand rightly. Thank you. Service Maharaj Ji, to your left. I have never been here to Delhi before and I am awestruck and overwhelmed at the seva that is done here for all of us. And for all of the masses and multitudes that come. And I feel undeserving and even a little bit guilty of ... taking of what you give to us here, Master. Well sister, I have said so many times the Institution belongs to all satsangis - irrespective of the country, or caste, or creed, or any boundary of any country. It belongs to everybody. And everybody takes the pleasure to serve the the Institution. You being the part of the Institution, so they take it a privilege to serve you all. Thank you. And this service increases love in us for the Father. It creates humility in us. It creates devotion within us for the Father. Without love, you can never do service. Service creates love, service starts with love. And service strengthens love. Unselfish service. A seeker from England Yes? Maharaj Ji I'm a seeker of a very few weeks and I've come here from England, to see you because I'm very troubled. I've sought the Lord with a great longing all my life. And in meditation a few months ago, I was set on fire - and my body is now full of electricity. I have learned that this is Kundalini. I'm in fear of my life, sometimes. I would like to ask you for your help and advice. I'm very troubled. Who helped you to arise the Kundalini? It happened ! Nobody. I didn't know that would happen. I was just sitting in meditation. I think we have a wrong concept of Kundalini. I don't know, I tell you what happened to me. Why do you, attribute it to the Kundalini, all this? I'm sorry I didn't hear what you said. I said why do you attribute all this to kundalini? Because somebody told me, because I've searched and read to understand since, in these last four months - to understand what happened to me. Maybe it's not. I don't know Maharaj Ji … I know I am full of electricity ... and I am frightened and I know you can help me - which is why I've come from England. Lord helps everybody, just leave it with Him. And you must retain your balance. We just become nervous for nothing. No kundalini bothers us. You must have a strong will power. I have a strong will, Maharaj Ji. Then, why bother? Cause I am frightened of the effects that it has on me. No, no, no... Will it just go away? If you have a strong will then nobody can frighten you. So I just wait and it will go ? No question of waiting. There is nothing wrong with you. It's only your mind which frightened you. Just your mind, making you nervous. You must have faith in your own self. I do. I have the proof of it. I’ve come all this way just to see you and I have only learnt about you, just. Thank you. Master? Free up time for meditation My question is if I realize that I'm caught up in entanglements in the world - and that I'd like to free up more and more time for meditation and to build up the spiritual practice, is this something that happens automatically, if there's a desire or how does it work? If I see that somehow, sometimes I get a sense, I can look at my own life and see that I'm caught up in things that don't really matter. Yet I have certain duties to perform and responsibilities, but I also am aware that they are distracting me from my spiritual life. I am wondering does it happen automatically that these things resolve themselves? Well sister, what is your concept of spiritual life? To not be involved in activities that take one's mind out. To have a lot of spare time to build up a lot of meditation and that sort of thing. Well, if we can keep our two and half an hour daily, it's more than sufficient. It fits in with all of the activities of our life. You'll be able to discharge your all responsibility, all obligation in the life. There won't be pressure for time at all, from any angle. Thank you, Maharaj Ji. Thank you, Maharaj Ji for the gift of Nam. Healing of Karma Two years ago, I met Papa Lutz - your Venezuelan representative, Papa Lutz. And I was wheezing and coughing. I have asthma and diabetes, but he said to me that at one point in time he had had a lot of pain in his leg and you asked him why was he carrying this karma, why was he still carrying it? So I want to know, am I intensifying the karmas that I have with my illnesses? Can I let go of the karmas? Is there such a thing in your estimation as healing of oneself through God? Healing of karma - there’s only one medicine :- that is meditation. Your meditation can heal your karmas, nothing else. Could meditation help me to breathe better? Well, the doctor can help so much better than meditation. I'm on so many steroids, antihistamine sprays and I'm afraid that it's doing ... the side effects are worse than what the benefits are. Anyway, for sickness, medicine, doctor is the only way. If it's prescription medicine, you say I can have it? Whatever it is, doctor can help you better. Thank you, Maharaj Ji. Master, I have always thought that I should apologize to you personally for not being able to follow the path. I really don't know why I’ve felt like that, but I just felt like I needed to personally apologize to you. Why brother? Why? Where is the necessity to apologize? Well, for most of us, and particularly me - You are It. There is nothing else. And if I can't get your forgiveness in sort of my menial way - I don't have a chance. So I feel like I need to apologize to you for my short-comings. I don't think any necessity for you to apologize at all. Thank you. There is no necessity. Free Will On this subject ... just want to be brief. If we had free will - we would not have been part of this creation, today. We would have remain part of the Creator. Nobody consulted us when we were pushed down to this creation. And nobody consulted us to give a particular country to us. We were sent - some were America, some were South Indians, some were Russia, some India, some there; nobody was consulted where he wants to take birth. We were never consulted for our parentage. We had no choice to have number of sisters and brothers. And all these things go a long way to condition our mind - to think in a certain way, to act in a certain way. You follow my point ? Our parentage, our environments, our atmosphere of the country, our friends, our schooling :- they go a long way in our thinking, molding our thinking and acting accordingly. So when there's so many things which are not in our control but yet they make us act in a certain way, makes us think in a certain way, how can we think we have free will? I understand it. But we still have some choices ? We have conditioned free will, limited free will. Ok. Thank you. Christ said even the hair on the body are numbered. When we don't have even a choice, how many hair we are going to have on the body, then what free will we have? Guru Nanak says - the leaf doesn't move without His order. Even that is also within His order - for the leaf to move. So where is the free will? So on the higher scale there's no free will at all. Death Yes? Radha Soami, Master. I just wanted to thank you for all that you've done for me in the last year. You’ve been so wonderful to me. I'm very, very, very much in your debt. And for allowing me to come again to India. It's all this wonderful grace you always constantly pour onto people like me and others. So I just wanted to say thank you. And ask you a question about death. I was told by another satsangi that, to long for death is not a good thing. Because one should be grateful for life, which I understand. But perhaps on the same vein, the attraction to the world is not that great. And perhaps, death is not something that one should shun but rather be happy at it's coming. Sister, we should never long for death, but we should always be prepared for death. We should not be frightened of death. And we should be prepared to face it anytime, smilingly. But should never long for it. The Lord has given us this opportunity for a certain purpose, certain object to achieve, to fulfill certain commitments. We should try to do that. Not try to cut short of this life. But we should not be attached so much to this creation, that when the time come to the depart, we don't want to leave it. We should always be prepared to leave anytime when the order comes. That should be the attitude to the death. So we must wait graciously for your time, for ... It is His grace that He gives us human birth. Yes. You don't get it so easily. It is very rare opportunity to get this opportunity. And Master, if someone does take themselves and commit suicide ... Very unfortunate people. Unfortunate? Very unfortunate people. And they must come back to learn those lessons over again? Well, that is between them and the Father - but it is very unfortunate. Thank you very much. Master, in continuing with the idea of no free will : If one follows through on an action - that one knows is not going to be good for you, and in spite of everything you do - you can't stop yourself, does that incur more karma afterwards? I mean, it would seem like that's a karma you're going through, but do you have to pay more karma on top of that? That means mind is very powerful, knowing everything - this is not right, still we are made to do it. It means our mind has become very powerful. We are conscious what we are going to do is wrong. It is not right and still we do (it). It means our mind is very powerful. And we are very weak before our mind. What can we do to stop ourselves? I mean, how does one stop themselves at that point? Well, meditation is the only help. Thank you. Radha Soami. Thoughts Radha Soami, Master. I just wonder where do thoughts come from? Thoughts. Thoughts? Yeah. Your thoughts. Thought? Yeah. When you think, when something … In mind? It’s mind. You said earlier, the will ... Thought, is the expression of the mind. Yeah. You said earlier ... well how do we fight thoughts? When we try to stop a thought, when you realize the thought is wrong. Where does that come from? Mind creates these thoughts. Mind has to fight with those thoughts. Mind creates this evil tendency within us; and our higher mind fights with us - to resist this tendency. Mind projects in many ways. Mind becomes our enemy, mind becomes our friend to help us and to warn us. Call it conscience. That is also part of mind. Call it higher mind, noble mind, good mind. And an evil mind tempts us towards the senses. And conscience warned us - it's wrong. That is also mind. Mind projects in many ways. So when thoughts are thick in meditation, if - I have a problem when I'm doing bhajan, my thoughts are very thick, should I return to simran? You should keep your full mind in simran then, there's no other, nothing is left, mind has nothing to think else. When mind is absolutely 100 percent absorbed in simran, then it cannot think anything else at all. So should we continue with simran, should we then, when should we change to bhajan? No, you do simran. And you can attend to bhajan also, whatever it suits you. But if your thoughts are very thick ? Thoughts are thick ? Yeah, you have a lot of thoughts. You see, you have to eliminate worldly thoughts with the help of simran. If your mind in the absorbed in simran, then how can mind think anything else? Because it is the same mind which is thinking about other things and the same mind which is doing simran. It means the whole of your mind not active. So when will the soul be active? Beyond Trikuti. Beyond Trikuti. Okay thank you, Master. Master? I have a question. Meditation Coming here, I have a question about meditation. I understand, I can understand doing dhyan with love after seeing you. But what I don't understand is how to listen to the sound with love and devotion? Well, if you attend to simran with love and devotion, automatically you'll hear the sound with love and devotion. Love and devotion means you have faith in the Master. Whatever method he has told you to tame your mind, this is the method you have to follow. You don't waver with the mind. You don't argue with the mind whether this method is right or wrong. I don't know what I am doing, whether result will come or not. This is having lack of faith and love. To feel conviction, being convinced to attend to meditation, that is doing meditation with love and faith. Thank you.

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