Thursday, October 17, 2024

Q & A with GSD 003 with CC

ធម៍ទេសនាដេញដោលព្រះធម៍ ថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ ទី ២0 ខែ តុលា ឆ្នាំ ២០២៤ (3០ នាទី) ១៧ សំនូរ ចម្លើយ  Question No = 01 @ 00- 01: 27

 Radha Soami, Baba Ji. I have no question. I only have an entreaty to place before you. Please bless my family with meditation, seva, darshan, sangat and satsang. Please always bless us with these. Look, we think that we will receive these things by asking for them. We have to reflect it in our actions, okay? If the Lord has sent us here, it is for a reason. It is because of our karma. So we have to think about it and correctly use the sense of discrimination that God has given us. No one can force these things on us, no one can compel us. So it depends on us. We can go to a casino just as easily as we can go to satsang. So it depends upon us. Based on the foundation we lay for our family, and the impressions that are created in their minds, things will unfold accordingly. So this will not happen just by asking for it; we have to create the atmosphere. If you create a positive atmosphere, it will automatically have an effect on everyone. 

សូមក្រាបថ្វាយបង្គំ ព្រះគ្រូបាបាជី ខ្ញុំកូណាគ្មានសំណួរទេ ខ្ញុំកូណាគ្រាន់តែសុំពរឲ្យមានឈនៅចំពោះមុខព្រះគ្រូប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ សូមព្រះគ្រូព្រះមេត្តាប្រគេនពរដល់ក្រុមគ្រូសារខ្ញុំកូណាបានតាំងសមាធិ បានបំរើទេវតា បានធ្វើធម៍ បានជួបជាមួយអ្នកធ្វើធម៍អារ្យ និងបានបានស្តាប់ព្រះធម៍ទេសនាសុទ្ធសាង។ សូមព្រះគ្រូ មេត្តាឲ្យពរយើងខ្ញូំកូណាបានជួបជាមួយសេចក្តីប្រាថ្នាដូចខាងលើនេះផងចុះ។ ញោម យើងតែងតែគិតថា យើងនឹងបានពរ បានសម្រេចតាមប្រាថ្នាទាំងអស់នេះ តាមរយៈការសុំ ការបីណ្ឌបាត។ ញោម យើងត្រូវតែធ្វើសកម្មភាព ប្រតិបត្តិទើបបាន ពរ ទាំងអស់នេះ តែ អីចឹងមែនអត់? បើថា ទេវតា បញ្ជូនញាតិញោម មកទីនេះមែន អីចឹងគឺសុទ្ធតែជាបំណងទេវតាមានហេតុមានផល នោះគឺដោយសារ កម្មារបស់យើង។ ដូច្នេះទេ យើងត្រូវតែគិតគូរឿងនេះ ត្រូវតែប្រើញាណ វិញ្ញាណដើម្បីរកខុសត្រូវ ល្អអាក្រក់ បែងចែកគ្នាឲ្យដាច់ ដែលវិញ្ញាណទាំងនេះគឺ ទេវតា ទ្រង់ប្រទានមកឲ្យយើង។ គ្មានអ្នកណាមួយគេ បង្ខិត ឬបង្ខំយើងឲ្យយកវិញ្ញាណទាំងនេះទេ គឺ អ្វីៗ វាអាស្រ័យលើយើងជាអ្នកសម្រេចចិត្ត។ វាដូចដែលយើងធ្លាប់ធ្វើដំណើរទៅលេង បនល្បែងនៅកាស៊ីណូ គឺ ស្រួលៗ ដូចជាការធ្វើដំណើរទៅចូលរួមស្តាប់ធម៍ទេសនាដែរ ហេតុនេះ អ្វីៗអាស្រ័យលើយើង យើងថាស្រួលវានឹងស្រួល។ អាស្រ័យលើបុណ្យ ដែលមានជាគ្រឹះក្នុងគ្រួសារ យើងអាចបង្កើតជាបរិយាកាសមួយឡើងមកតាមស្ថានភាព គឺវាមិនអាស្រ័យថា យើងបានសុំពរ ឬ មិនបានសុំពរនោះទេ គឺ អាស្រ័យលើបរិយាកាសមួយដែលយើងបង្កើតឡើងមក បើយើងបង្កើតបរិយាកាសល្អវិជ្ជមាន អីចឹងផលល្អនឹងផ្តល់ទៅដល់សមាជិកគ្រួសារយើងទាំងមូលដែរ ។

Question No = 02 @ 00- 01: 27

Baba Ji, Radha Soami. Baba Ji, I don’t know where the time has flown. I had come for ten days and so much time has gone by. I could never imagine you’d give such us a wonderful opportunity for darshan. And the amount of seva the sangat has done, they start from 3 to 4 a.m. and go till the evening; please make them do just as much meditation. We come from so far away; our sevadars do seva there even in minus temperatures. Please take seva from them; make them sit in meditation. Shower your grace on our sangat. Radha Soami. You see, an individual does seva for himself, not for anyone else. The highest seva is our meditation. But when we sit for meditation, we have to struggle with the mind. So that is why, until we have the right atmosphere, we are unable to do our part. So we do external seva to create that atmosphere. We are the ones who need seva. If we do not do it, someone else will do it. We do it for ourselves. And if we create that atmosphere, if we do our meditation, then we are the ones who will benefit from it, right? The Lord will shower so much grace on us that we will go through every phase of life cheerfully. So we have to do seva for ourselves, not for anyone else. We are the ones who need seva. And if we do it, then the Lord himself will shower His blessings. Thank you, Baba Ji. Radha Soami. 

សូមក្រាបថ្វាយបង្គំ ព្រះគ្រូបាបាជី ខ្ញុំកូណាអត់ដឹងថា បាត់បង់ពេលវេលាទៅណាខ្លះទេ ខ្ញុំកូណាបានមកទីនេះ ១០ថ្ងៃ គឺចំណាយពេលច្រើនណាស់ ខ្ញុំកូណាក៍មិននឹងស្មានថាមានឪកាសបានជួបព្រះគ្រូ ដើម្បីធ្វើ ការសូត្រធម៍ ប្រមូលផ្ចង់អារម្មណ៍ដែរ។ ខ្ញុំកូណាបានធ្វើកិច្ចការបំរើព្រះ គឺធ្វើការងារពី ម៉ោង ៣ ល្ងាច ដល់ម៉ោង ៤ ល្ងាច ពេលខ្លះក៍បំពេញការងារដល់ យប់ជ្រៅក៍មានដែរ សូមព្រះគ្រូ ចាត់ទុកថានេះជាការ តាំងសមាធិផងបានទេ  ពួកយើងធ្វើដំណើរមកពីទីឆ្ងាយណាស់  ពួកយើងមកបំរើព្រះ បំរើញាតិញោមនៅទីនេះ ទោះជាក្នុងពេលកំពុងមានអាកាសធាតុដ៍ត្រជាក់ក្តី សូមញាតិញោម ទទួល​នូវការបំរើពី ពួកខ្ញុំកូណា សូមជួយពួកខ្ញុំកូណាបានអង្គុយតាំងសមាធិ សូមឲ្យយើងខ្ញុំកូណាបានចូលរួមជាមួយ ការធ្វើបុណ្យទាននេះផង ។ ញោម ឃើញទេ ពួកគេបំរើទេវតា គឺដើម្បីបំរើពួកគេខ្លួនឯង មិនមែនដើម្បីបំរើអ្នកដ៍ទៃទេ ។ ការបំរើទេវតាដែលខ្ពង់ខ្ពស់ជាងគេបង្អស់ គឺសំដៅលើការតាំងសមាធិ តែពេលយើងចាប់ផ្តើមអង្គុយតាំងសមាធិ យើងបែរជាប្រឈមជាមួយ ការដែលចិត្តមិនស្ងប់ ដូច្នេះ បើសិនជាមាន បរិយាកាសមិនស្ងប់បែបនេះ គឺយើងមិនអាចតាំងសមាធិបានសោះឡើយ ដូច្នេះ ការដែលយើងបំរើទេវតានៅខាងក្រៅខ្លួនបែបនេះ គឺដើម្បីបង្កើតជាបរិយាកាសមួយល្អក្នុងខ្លួន។ យើងត្រូវការមនុស្សណា ដែលគេត្រូវការ ការបំរើ ឬ ការបំរើព្រះបើសិនជាយើងមិនបំរើអ្នកនោះទេ នឹងមានគេអ្នកផ្សេងចូលទៅ បំរើអ្នកនោះដែរ គឺយើងបំរើគេបែបនេះ ដើម្បីខ្លួនយើង បើយើងបង្កើតបរិយាកាសល្អបែបនេះ បើសិនជាយើងបានតាំងសមាធិទៀត តើផលបុណ្យដែលបានមក មិនមែនដើម្បីខ្លួនយើងទេឬ?  យើងធ្វើទេវតាទតមើលតាមឲ្យពរជ័យយើងពេញមួយជីវិត ហេតុនេះ យើងត្រូវតែបំរើទេវតាដើម្បីខ្លួនយើង មិនមែនដើម្បីអ្នកណាផ្សេងឡើយ គឺ យើងជាមនុស្សម្នាក់ដែលត្រូវការសេវា ឬ ការបំរើព្រះនេះ កាលណាយើងធ្វើបែបនេះ គឺទេវតានឹងប្រទានពរជ័យ មគ្គផលដល់យើង កូណាព្រះគ្រូ សូមអរព្រះគុណព្រះគ្រូ ។

Question No = 03 @ 00- 03: 03

Radha Soami, Baba Ji. Baba Ji, you have showered infinite grace upon us. Please continue to shower your grace on my family, on the sangat and on the sevadars. I am so happy, O Lord, that you have kept me under your refuge. My family is a little disconnected from the path, please shower your infinite mercy so that they, too, come forward for meditation and seva. We should not force anyone. When we were young, if someone had forced us to do something, we wouldn’t have liked it either, right? So keep the atmosphere at home positive, and you be a good example. That will automatically have an effect on them. And as far as sevadars are concerned – there is no one like my sevadars in the entire world! With all that has happened to us recently, through this, the world can see for itself how you’ve all come together to do seva. Whether it was hot, whether it was cold – no one bothered about the weather, or about the disease, and the way you have come forward and served everyone – there is no other example like this in the world. It is your infinite grace, Baba Ji. You visited so many different areas to give darshan and made the sangat so happy. We felt that the Lord himself came and showered his grace on us. The disease has not touched those areas. I came out of my own need. No, what need? You came to bestow your grace upon us! I simply came hoping to do as much seva as you were doing. No, you do seva 24 hours, you are the Lord of the whole world ... We are all ... no, here, no one amongst us is superior or inferior. In Dera, we are all sevadars. Please just bless me with a little love, so that I can gain humility. No, you speak as if there’s a dearth of love, and Baba has turned the tap off! Right, right! What? You can distribute that love – you are the Lord himself! No, there is no dearth of love. Let us channelize that love in the right manner, okay? Let us try and live in the Lord’s will. “One who surrenders to the Lord’s will, is forever at peace.” 

សូមក្រាបថ្វាយបង្គំ ព្រះគ្រូបាបាជី ព្រះគ្រូបានប្រទានពរជ័យដល់យើងខ្ញុំព្រះករុណា ដូចនេះ សូមព្រះគ្រូបន្តប្រទានពរ ជ័យដល់ក្រុមគ្រួសារ សហគមន៍ព្រះធម៍ និងដល់ បរិស័ទ្ធជា ពលព្រះ ជាអ្នកបំរើព្រះទាំងអស់ ខ្ញុំកូណា ពិតជាមានសេចក្តីរំភើបរីករាយជាពន់ពេកណាស់ ដែលមាន ព្រះគ្រូយកខ្ញុំកូណាមកជ្រកក្រោមម្លប់បារមី ព្រះគ្រូ  ក្រុមគ្រួសារនៃខ្ញុំកូណាពេលនេះ បានដើរចាកផុតបន្តិចចេញពីផ្លូវព្រះធម៍ ដូច្នេះទេ សូមព្រះគ្រូមេត្តាសណ្តោស ទាញអន្ទងពួកឲ្យចូលមករកផ្លូវព្រះធម៍ឡើងវិញផង ដើម្បីពួកគេបានធ្វើសមាធិ និងបាន បំរើព្រះតរៀងទៅ។ ញោម យើងមិនអាច បង្ខិតបង្ខំពួកគេបានគ្រប់ៗគ្នាទេ កាលយើងនៅពីក្មេង មានគេបង្ខំយើងថា ធ្វើបែបនេះ ឬ បែបនោះ យើងមិនចូលចិត្តអ្នកនោះទេ មែនអត់? ហេតុនេះ ញោមត្រូវតែធ្វើ រក្សាឲ្យបាននូវ បរិយាកាសមួយល្អ ជាគំរូឲ្យពួកគេមើលយើងសិន កាលណាគេឃើញយើងល្អ គេនឹងដើរតាយើងដែរ ជាស្វ័យប្រវត្តិវានឹងមានលំនាំ បែបនេះ។ ចំណែករឿងទាក់ទងជាមួយ ពលព្រះ ឬ អ្នកបំរើព្រះ ឬ ចំណុះជើងវត្ត គឺវាមិនដូចគ្នាទូទាំងសកលលោកនោះទេ យើងមើលឃើញរឿងមួយខុសៗគ្នាតាមជ្រុងនានានៃសកលលោក ដូច្នេះ យើងក៍ចូលមកបំរើព្រះ ជាមួយគ្នា មិនថា មេឃក្តៅ មេឃត្រជាក់ រងារ មិនថា អាកាសធាតុ ឬ មានជំងឺដង្កាត់ បែបណាទេ គឺយើងតស៊ូ ជាមួយគ្នាដើម្បីបំរើទេវតា ការបំរើព្រះរួមគ្នាបែបនេះ គ្មានទេគំរូបែបនេះ នៅលើសកលោក ។ កូណាព្រះគ្រូ បាបាជី នេះជាមហាករុណា មហាទានណាស់ ដែលព្រះគ្រូ យាងគ្រប់ទីសទិ ច្រកល្ហកដើម្បី សម្តែងធម៍ទេសនា ទូន្មាន ប្រៀបប្រដៅ ដល់ពួកយើងជា បរិស័ទ្ធនេះពិតជាមានសេចក្តីរីករាយជាអនេក។ យើងខ្ញុំកូណាមានអារម្មណ៍ថា ដូចជាបាន ទេវតាយាងមកដោយពិតៗ  ផ្ទាល់ៗ មកប្រោះព្រហ្មដល់យើងខ្ញុំព្រះអង្គ តំបន់នេះ ទីនេះ គ្មានទេ ជំងឺដង្កាត់ ខ្ញុំកូណាក៍គ្មានតម្រូវការអ្វីផ្សេងដែរ អ្ហាក ញោម អត់មានតម្រូវការអ្វីទេ? កូណា ព្រះគ្រូ គ្មានទេ ខ្ញុំកូណាមកទីនេះ គឺដើម្បីតែមកបំរើដល់ព្រះ ដូចដែលព្រះគ្រូបានធ្វើកន្លងមកអីចឹងដែរ ព្រះគ្រូបំរើព្រះ ២៤​ ម៉ោង ដូច្នេះ ព្រះគ្រូគឺជាព្រះ គ្រប់គ្រងចក្រវាឡទាំងមួល ទេ ទេ ញោម ចំណោមពួកយើងគ្មានអ្នកណា ធំ មហិមារដូចជាព្រះ ដូចជាទេវតាទេ នៅក្នុងព្រះវិហារ ដេរ៉ា យើងទាំងអស់គ្នាជាអ្នកបំរើព្រះ ជាពលព្រះ។ ព្រះគ្រូ សូមព្រះគ្រូ ប្រទានពរដល់ខ្ញុំកូណា ឲ្យខ្ញុំកូណាមានសេចក្តីស្រលាញ់បន្តិចបន្តួច ដើម្បីខ្ញុំកូណាក្លាយជាមនុស្ស សុភាពរាបសារ អោនលំទោន ។ ញោម ៗ ដូចជា យល់ថា មាន ព្រះមានព្រះឥន្រ្ទយ៍ ចុះមកកាត់សេចក្តី? កូណា ព្រះគ្រូ សូមព្រះគ្រូប្រទានសេចក្តីស្រលាញ់ដល់ខ្ញុំកូណា ព្រះគ្រូ គឺជាព្រះអង្គឯង ! ទេ ញោម គ្មានព្រះឥន្រ្ទយ៍ធំ មហិមារនោះទេ តែ យើងអាចបែងចែកសេចក្តីស្រលាញ់ដល់អ្នករាល់គ្នាបានដូចជាព្រះដែរ ចូរយើងរស់នៅ តាមប្រាថ្នាទេវតា " អ្នកទាំងឡាយណាដែលថ្វាយខ្លួនចំពោះទេវតា នោះនឹងមានសន្តិជាសេចក្តីស្ងប់អស់កាលតរៀងទៅ " ។

Question No = 04 @ 00- 05: 11

Radha Soami, Baba Ji. Radha Soami, Baba Ji. I have just come to talk to you, sir, I have no question. Although, while conversing, questions come up. I am trying to work on the lesson you gave me, but I cannot tell if it is going well, whether I am doing it correctly or not. How does it concern us whether it’s going well or not? We shouldn’t be concerned. We have to do our meditation, taking it to be Maharaj Ji’s hukam. If we obey his hukam, then he will take on our responsibility and he himself will do it all. Also, my nature is such that wherever I live, everyone turns against me. It doesn’t make a difference – we should not be unfaithful to Him. In this world, if four people praise you, there will be four who criticize you. I try to stay on the path as instructed, to remain ... You should do what’s right. But if someone says good or bad things about you, don’t get weighed down by it. From your side, do what is best for everyone. They turn against me and then I can’t understand ... How is it your concern? So many saints and mystics have come to this world – not everyone followed them. They also had to face opposition, right? So then? Well, my deepest wish has been fulfilled by talking to you. 

ខ្ញុំកូណាសូមក្រាបថ្វាយបង្គំ ព្រះគ្រូបាបាជី ពេលខ្ញុំមកដល់ទីនេះ អត់មានសំណួរទេ តែ ក្រោយពីការស្តាប់ ការសន្ទនាឆ្លើយឆ្លង សួរដេញដោលធម៍មក ខ្ញុំកូណាក៍មានសំណួរចេញមក។ ខ្ញុំកូណាបានខិតខំជាខ្លាំង ដើម្បីធ្វើតាមព្រះឪវាទព្រះគ្រូ តែខ្ញុំអត់ច្បាស់ខ្លួនឯងថា ការធ្វើនោះត្រូវឬក៍ខុសនោះទេ តើខ្ញុំកូណាត្រូវធ្វើម៉េចដើម្បីដឹងថា វាខុស ឬ ត្រូវ? វាពាក់ព័ន្ធជាមួយគ្នាដែរឬអត់? ញោម រឿងនេះ យើងមិនគួរចាប់អារម្មណ៍ខ្លាំងពេកទេ អ្វីដែលយលង ត្រូវធ្វើ គឺការតាំងសមាធិ យើងតាំងសមាធិដើម្បីឲ្យ ទេវតាទតមើល អីចឹងពេលនោះទេវតាទទួលខុសត្រូវលើខ្លួនយើង អ្វីដែលយើងធ្វើគឺជា ព្រះរាជសកម្មភាពរបស់ទេវតាអង្គឯង។ ព្រះគ្រូ រឿងខ្ញុំកូណាគឺថា អ្វីដែលខ្ញុំកូណាធ្វើទៅ តែងតែមានគេប្រឆាំងជំទាស៉ជានិច្ច។  ញោម រឿងនេះ ទោះជាមានគេប្រឆាំង ទំទាស់ ឬ មានគេគាំទ្រក្តី ញោមមិនត្រូវ អស់ជំនឿលើទេវតាទេ ។ លើសកលលោកនេះ បើមនុស្សមួយក្រុមគាំទ្រញោម ប្រាកដជាមានមនុស្សមួយក្រុមទៀតគេប្រឆាំង ញោម រិះគន់ញោមជាមិនខាន។ ញោម ត្រូវធ្វើកិច្ចការណាដែល ញោមយល់ថាជារឿងត្រឹមត្រូវ ទោះជាមានគេនិយាយល្អ ឬ និយាយអាក្រក់អំពីញោមក្តី ក៍កុំគប្បីឈីក្បាល រឿងទាំងនោះ កុំអស់សង្ឃឹម កុំបាក់ទឹកចិត្ត កិច្ចការរបស់យើង គឺមានតែខិតខំធ្វើឲ្យល្អបំផុតចំពោះពួកគេរាល់គ្នា ។ មានព្រះគ្រូ មានអ្នកមានបុណ្យយាងមកច្រើនណាស់ ក្នុងលោកនេះ តែ មិនមែនមនុស្សទាំងអស់ សុទ្ធតែជឿ ដើរតាមព្រះគ្រូទាំងនោះទេ គឺ តែងតែមានការប្រឆាំង ជំទាស់ជានិច្ច មែនទេ? ដូចជាពេលនេះអីចឹង បំណងអាត្មា គឺដើម្បីមកពន្យល់ញាតិញោមអំពីរឿងហ្នឹង ។

Question No = 05 @ 00- 06: 32

Radha Soami. Baba Ji, thank you very much for giving me a wonderful family. Baba Ji, sometimes while I’m sleeping, the forms of Baba Sawan Singh Ji and Sardar Bahadur Singh Ji appear in my dreams. And it feels as if they are talking to me. And sometimes, I get very scared. I am not sure why this happens, Baba Ji. A dream is a dream. We shouldn’t pay too much attention to dreams. If it is a good dream, be happy. And if it is negative, then forget about it. Now, if we’ve had an association with someone in a previous lifetime, if they have made an impression on us, then it’s natural for them to appear. But dreams come from the subconscious mind. We haven’t even been able to understand the conscious mind yet. Sometimes the mind pulls us in one direction, sometimes in another. Sometimes it demands one thing, sometimes another. So we will only reach the subconscious mind after we’ve understood the conscious mind. So let dreams remain dreams. Don’t analyze or dwell on them too much. Baba Ji, I forget many of my dreams, but these dreams are memorable – I cannot forget them. No, so if you have their darshan, then enjoy that darshan and be happy. But don’t analyze those dreams. 

សូមក្រាបថ្វាយបង្គំ ព្រះគ្រូបាបាជី សូមថ្លែងអំណរគុណព្រះគ្រូ ដែលប្រទានក្រុមគ្រួសារមួយកកើក្តៅដល់ខ្ញុំកូណា ពេលខ្ញុំកូណាដេក តែងតែយលសប្តិឃើញ ព្រះគ្រូ Baba Sawan Singh Ji and Sardar Bahadur Singh Ji បង្ហាញព្រះកាយនៅនឹងមុខខ្ញុំកូណា ព្រះគ្រូទាំង ២ អង្គ ដូចជា មានបំណងចង់ទូលរឿងអ្វីម្យ៉ាងជាមួយខ្ញុំកូណាផង ពេលខ្លះទៀត ខ្ញុំកូណាមានអារម្មណ៍ថាភ័យខ្លាចខ្លាំងណាស់ ខ្ញុំកូណាអត់ដឹងថាម៉េចបានជា យល់សប្តិបែបហ្នឹងទេ។ ញោម សុបិន្ត គឺជា សុបិន្ត ជាការយលសប្តិ យើងមិនគួរមានការយកចិត្តទុកដាក់ខ្លាំង រឿងយលសប្តិនេះទេ បើសិនជាយល់សប្តិ ឃើញរឿងល្អ នោះយើងសប្បាយចិត្ត បើយលសប្តិឃើញអាក្រក់ អីចឹងចូរបំភ្លេចចោលទៅ ។បើសិនជាជាតិមុន​ យើងមានទំនាក់ទំនងជាមួយគ្នា បើកាលនៅរស់ យើងមានទំនាក់ទំនងជាមួយគ្នា ដូច្នេះ ការយល់សប្តិឃើញ គឺជារឿងធម្មតាៗ រឿងធម្មជាតិ តែត្រូវចងចាំថា រឿងយលសប្តិ វាកើតចេញមកពី ឋានក្រោមចិត្តទៅទៀត ដែលសូម្បី ឋានចិត្តក៍យើងមិនទាំងបានយល់ផងទេ ជួលកាលចិត្តវារុញច្រាន យើងតាមទិសខាងលិច ជួលកាលរុញយើង បញ្ច្រាសទិសក៍មានដែរ ដូច្នេះ ទាល់តែយើងដឹង យល់អំពីចិត្តជាមុនសិន ទើបយើងឈានដលើការយល់ កម្រិតឋានក្រោមចិត្តនេះ។ ហេតុនេះ សូមទុកឲ្យការយល់សប្តិ នៅតែជាការយល់សប្តិទៅចុះ កុំមានការវិភាគ ការកាត់យលសប្តិ។ ព្រះគ្រូ ខ្ញុំកូណាប្រឹងខំបំភ្លេចយល់សប្តិណាស់ដែរ តែ យល់សប្តិខ្លះបំភេ្លចមិនបាន ចេះតែនឹងឃើញជានិច្ច ទេ ទេញោម បើញោមធ្វើការ សូត្រធម៍តាំងសមាធិ អីចឹងយើងសប្បាយជាមួយការសូត្រធម៍ ភាវនាធម៍ យើងបំភ្លេចអស់រឿង យល់សប្តិ ចូរកុំមានការវិភាគ យល់សប្តិទាំងនេះ ។

Question No = 06 @ 00- 07: 48

Okay, Baba Ji. Radha Soami, Baba Ji. When I sit in simran, Baba Ji, I feel a throbbing sensation at the eye center. That happens if we put pressure there. Don’t pay attention to it. We just have to keep our attention here, we should not apply any force. We think that if we force or pull the consciousness up, it will rise higher – it will not! Rather, it will create an obstacle in the way. We have to sit down fully relaxed and start our simran, and then let ourselves go with it. Everything else will happen on its own. The consciousness will not rise more by your trying to force it. Rather, it will create a mental block which becomes an obstacle. You relax and start your simran and just let yourself go with it. When the light appears, then my attention just goes towards the light. Yes, so that’s a good thing. Keep looking at the light and enjoy its bliss. The more you enjoy it, the more your consciousness will be pulled up. 

Question No = 07 @ 00- 08: 47

Radha Soami. Baba Ji, Radha Soami. Baba Ji, is union with God impossible without longing? What? Baba Ji, is union with God impossible without longing? If there is no longing, then where will the pull come from? You see, in the world, man wants or does something only when he feels a certain need that propels him. Now, if I feel a need to keep my body clean, only then do I go take a bath. Otherwise why would I take a bath? Only when I feel hungry do I eat a meal. So similarly, in this relationship, until there is yearning, how will we feel the pull to unite with the Lord? That is why Sheikh Farid had said: “Many talk of the pain and suffering of separation; O pain, you are the Ruler of all!” In spirituality, this is the most ... when the Lord wants to bless someone, He grants him longing. Baba Ji, I have the longing, but what can I do? We can do our meditation. We should sit. Baba Ji, I am not initiated yet. What? The gift of initiation ... No, that’s okay, when we get initiation, we will do it then. But there are so many other things we can still do. Let’s at least create that atmosphere. Unless the atmosphere is conducive, how will we do our part? Now, if someone has taken initiation but has not created the right atmosphere, will he able to fulfill his part? So if the Lord has given us this understanding beforehand, and if we create that atmosphere, then in fact, we will make more rapid progress upon receiving initiation. Okay, Baba Ji, please keep your hand of grace upon my family and me. 

Question No = 08 @ 00- 10: 20

Radha Soami, Baba Ji. Baba Ji, please grant this poor disciple the gift of Truth. In this world, what is true and what is false? Whatever is true or right for one person, becomes false or unsuitable for another. Now, medicine can suit one person but not another. So each of us has to protect ourselves. This land is one of joy and sorrow; all this will carry on here. Man should protect himself, keep the right perspective, and treat everyone well. Then the Lord will look after us and take us back. O true Lord, I get angry at the slightest thing someone says. What do we solve with anger? O Lord, this mind is stubborn. No, look, I’d definitely say get angry if it leads to a solution! Now look, you are talking to me. If I reply in anger, would you like it? You would say, “You can explain that lovingly as well.” So we should treat others the way we want to be treated, right? The way we can explain things with love ... with grudges and complaints – life is too short. We squander away this short span of life in grudges and complaints. If we waste our life getting angry about these things, then we will no longer appreciate life. We must appreciate it. We should never consciously do anything wrong. That’s all the other person knows – that’s why he did something wrong. Now if we respond with love, he will learn. But if we react with criticism or aggression, your words will have a negative impact on you, and the other person will also feel hurt. In fact, then we will have started another chain of karma. Help me walk the right path, O Supreme Lord. 

Question No = 09 @ 00- 12: 44

Don’t worry. Radha Soami, Baba Ji. Baba Ji, if we once had everything and then we lose it all, then what should we do, Baba Ji? What is there to lose or gain in this world? These are chains. Hazur would say: “Whether our shackles are made of iron or of gold, our life is that of a prisoner.” We want freedom from all these things. So let’s appreciate whatever He has given us, whatever He has blessed us with. Why should we desire what we don’t have? Because whatever we desire will only add to our load. So that is why we have to live in His will. The amount He has given ... everyone has been given more than enough to eat. Beyond that – now if I have 20 rooms in my house, I still only sleep in one room. I cannot sleep in all 20! If there are tasty dishes placed on my table, I cannot eat all that food. I will eat only as much as I can digest. If the Lord has given me the capacity to digest one piece of bread, I will only eat one piece of bread, even if 100 dishes are placed before me. So remain happy within your own boundaries. Asking for more only increases our burden, and we will not be able to bear it. Baba Ji, both my parents have passed away. And I still don’t know where my wife and children are. I have received initiation. And people say to me, “You’re initiated, you go do seva, and yet so much has happened to you – why do you go to Dera?” And Baba Ji, I have no answer to this. Why do we come to the spiritual path? In whatever circumstances ... this is what is told to us, that in whatever circumstances the Lord keeps us, it is due to our karma. Okay? Now everyone has ... “Our own actions draw us to the Lord or drive us away from Him.” Everyone has their own karma. We have not come to the spiritual path to receive anything. We have come to the spiritual path to give. We are the ones carrying a burden. Now, if I am carrying a burden, would I like to increase my load or decrease it? From our side, we should not do anything wrong. From our side, we should treat everyone nicely. As for others, whether someone chooses to stand by us or not, how much they want to uphold the relationship – this depends on them. Now what do we think? That when someone comes to the spiritual path, he should never face any sorrow? Why have we come to the spiritual path? To be able to settle our karmic account. This karmic account will only be settled when we sort out our karmic give and take. If we have done something wrong, then we will have to account for it. We have never been told, “Your life will be easy from the day you receive initiation.” So we have to face the world. We have to face our karma. Baba Ji, when I sit in meditation, then these same things go on in the background. Yes, that’s natural too, they will come forward. But if we keep our attention in our spiritual task, in our simran, the Lord will bless us with the strength to rise above these things. Can you say that those who follow Sant Mat never face any sorrow? This joy and sorrow is a part of creation. We have come to spirituality so that we get so much strength from within ... It is not that the world will change for you. By getting initiated, the world will not change. Your karma will not change. But by getting initiated, we definitely get the strength from within to face everything.

Question No = 10 @ 00- 16: 27

 Yes, Baba Ji. Radha Soami. Radha Soami, Baba Ji. Baba Ji, did we do something good due to which we are doing seva here in Beas during Corona? You tell me! Who goes to a doctor – a sick person or someone who is hale and hearty? No, Baba Ji ... No, first answer my question. A sick person goes to a doctor, right? Yes. Yes, so then? We have also come to a doctor. We are here to protect ourselves, to reform ourselves. So you can consider this either good or bad. Okay, Baba Ji. Radha Soami, Baba Ji. Please keep your glance of mercy upon me, Baba Ji.

Question No = 11 @ 00- 17: 07

 Baba Ji, in the morning time, in spite of brushing my teeth and sprinkling water on my face, even then I fell asleep and I haven't managed, even for a single day, to meditate in the morning. And after that I feel a lot of guilty, that I haven't managed in the morning, because in the satsang we are told that it's better to sit in meditation in the morning time. Then what else shall I do to meditate? First you ... First, sister, you create the habit of sitting down, okay? Whatever time - in the day you can sit down, you create that habit of sitting down. Once you have created habit of sitting down, and you are able to focus your attention at the eye centre, then you try and sit in the morning – you won't have a problem. Today that habit is not there, you know? That is why the body reacts, the mind reacts. So first you create the habit of sitting down. Once you have been able to manage that, then everything else will start following through. Yes, Baba Ji. With your grace, whenever I get time, in daytime, after 40 to 45 minutes, I start feeling pain in my limbs, and then change my posture. I can't sit in single posture for … That's okay. That's okay. You see, because if you keep on sitting, then your attention will go on to the pain. So we don't … we are not in the habit of sitting down still for long periods of time. So if there is intense pain, change your posture. But, we will develop daily, we will develop the habit of changing posture after … We are all creatures of habit. Once you are able to practise it daily, you will get into that habit of being able to sit still. Baba Ji, there is a problem. Sometimes, unconsciously such thoughts come to mind, that disturb the peace of mind. And we don't want to get those thoughts in our mind. What shall we do to get rid of those thoughts? Where do the thoughts come from? We see something, we feel something, we experience something - that registers in our mind. So, whether conscious or subconscious, everything gets registered. And whatever gets registered … The book of life was an empty book. So whatever we experienced got written in that book. So now whenever you open that book, first you will only find what you have written. Now we want to remove that. We, today, come to that realization that this is good, this is bad, okay? So we want to remove that. That is why simran is important for us. Simran is like pressing the delete button. But coming to that page, instead of pressing the delete button, we start reading, we start analyzing. So what are you doing? You are putting it right back. So focus on your simran. These things will come into your mind. If you have to delete something on the computer, you have to bring it up first. So these thoughts are brought in front of you so that you can delete them. But we start analyzing so we are putting them right back. I will try my best. 

Question No = 12 @ 00- 20: 18

Baba Ji, Radha Soami Ji. Radha Soami. Baba Ji, I read a book by Baba Sawan Singh Ji which said that we should contemplate on the Master’s form as seen at the time of initiation when he blesses us with Shabd. So Baba Ji, I have your darshan often, but now I have forgotten what you looked like then. I cannot recall that form anymore. So can we contemplate on the form that we’ve recently seen during darshan? First and foremost, the Shabd is the Melody, not mere words. Yes. We have to try and listen to the Melody. That Melody is within everyone, whether they are initiated or not. Without that Melody, no one can remain alive. The day the Lord chooses to withdraw that Melody from us, our life will come to an end. The reason we do simran is because our mind is not concentrated. The purpose of simran is to bring about concentration in the mind, so that we can attach ourselves to that Melody. “From Nam we originate, and into Nam we dissolve.” This entire creation has come into existence through that Shabd; nothing here can exist without it. So the Shabd is that power, it is not a letter of the alphabet. Now you see, if you take all your strength and double, triple, or quadruple it, then wouldn’t it be easier to face life? So this Melody is that creative power that has brought the creation into existence. Where is it? It is within us. And if we meditate and we attune ourselves to that Melody, our inner strength will increase and it will become easier for us to face life as well. Okay. And Baba Ji, my second question is that we are rural folk. For the past ten years in our villages, we have seen masks used to cover the mouths of bulls. (To prevent crop damage). So, since saints can to do whatever they want, I’d like to know – when will you shower your grace so that these masks can come off our faces? This is in your hands. Who has wreaked havoc on nature? Human beings are responsible for this. Animals do not cause as much destruction as human beings do. So this is in our hands. Look, for so many years, the stars were not visible at night. Now are the stars visible or not? Our streams and rivers were so polluted, you couldn’t see anything in them. People say that all you could see in the Budha Nullah stream in Ludhiana was filth; now they say that fish can be seen swimming in it. So man himself has caused this destruction. This is just a means the Lord has adopted to explain to us: “Be careful, otherwise what will become of you?” 

Question No = 13 @ 00- 23: 28

Radha Soami. Radha Soami, Baba Ji. Baba Ji, we all know that the Dera is wonderful, and that all the sevadars at Dera treat everyone nicely. But when a sevadar or a sevadar-in-charge treats us badly here at Dera, it sometimes creates doubts in our mind. You should go and give him a ‘magical hug’! You know what a ‘magical hug’ is, right? Yes. Look, whoever comes here has certain strengths and weaknesses which he has brought along with him. Only a sick person goes to a doctor, a healthy person doesn’t, right? So, yes, I agree that sometimes they may end up speaking in a harsh manner, but we should not focus on that, because they are doing seva day and night, therefore sometimes they may say harsh words. What should I say to others? I myself end up doing the same sometimes. So you should just adopt this attitude:, when someone scolds you or something, tell them, “I want to give you a ‘magical hug’!” All their complaints automatically will fade away!

Question No = 14 @ 00- 24: 38

 Baba Ji, when I repeat the Names, when I do my simran, a light appears but it does not remain steady. It is our mind that does not remain steady. As far as Light and Sound are concerned, they do not increase or decrease. They carry on with the same intensity all 24 hours. It is our concentration that increases or decreases, okay? We do simran ... look, that is why I say that only simran is in our control. Simran is to bring about concentration. If we can have that concentration, then these things will automatically will become steady. Okay, Radha Soami. 

Question No = 15 @ 00- 25: 19

Radha Soami, Baba Ji. Baba Ji, please never send me far away from you. Parents never create a distance; children create the distance. As children grow older, their attention starts to spread out into the world. They are the ones who create that distance, not the parents. In fact, as parents get older, their attention turns away from the world and focuses more on their children. Thank you, Baba Ji. 

Question No = 16 @ 00- 25: 43

Radha Soami, Baba Ji. Baba Ji, previously, when I would sit in meditation, my mind would focus and I could enter a state of deep meditation. Now I can no longer sit, I suffer from intense pain in my lower back. Look, as we start getting old, these things are bound to happen. Sometimes your leg will hurt, sometimes your knees will hurt, sometimes you’ll have back pain, sometimes a headache. These things will happen. We have to meditate despite these things. After all, we don’t ever say, “I have back pain, so I am not going to love my children today!” We don’t say that. No. Because love is a state of mind, and these things are associated with the body. So this is our relationship with the Lord; this we must fulfill. And no matter what state we are in, if you attend to your meditation, your attention will get focused and all these pains will be forgotten. Yes. 

Question No = 17 @ 00- 26: 40

Radha Soami, Baba Ji. Baba Ji, my first question is, how can an individual strike a balance between his daily life and his meditation? In everything ... now look, we need balance to ride a bicycle, don’t we? If a child says, “I don’t want to study,” what will the mother say? “Son, there is a time to play and a time to study.” So that’s also balance. When we eat a meal – we eat lentils, we eat vegetables and we eat grains too. So that is also a balance between proteins, carbohydrates and fats. So wherever we can strike a balance, it will make life easier. When you lose your balance in a certain area and go to extremes, then that starts to create a reaction. This is what we explain to a child. “Son, there is a time to play, and a time to study.” So the Lord has given us 24 hours in a day. 24 hours are more than sufficient to be able to give time to our family, to work, and also to spirituality. My second question, Baba Ji, is that my father owns a shop and he stays quite busy. He has a very good heart, he helps everyone, but he doesn’t get a chance to do seva. He rarely gets the opportunity to come to Beas, so will his good actions – like helping people – will they eliminate his karma? The first thing is that ... look, there are two types of seva. The first is the true seva, which is meditation. Everything else is outer seva. Karma will be eliminated – “Shabd erases the imprint of karma.” Okay? That will happen with the Shabd; that will happen with meditation. The purpose of outer seva is only to create the right atmosphere. So some people can do it, while others cannot. But everyone can meditate, right? So focus on meditation. We do this outer seva to create an atmosphere, so that we learn to give to others, so that the Lord showers His blessings upon us. Radha Soami, Baba Ji. Please bless me with the gift of initiation, and continue to shower your grace. 

Question No = 18 @ 00- 28: 50-- 29: 41

Radha Soami, Baba Ji. Could you please elaborate on the mind and the soul? Secondly, how can someone know whether they’ve attained liberation before they die? Why should we analyze these things? We simply have to live in Maharaj Ji’s will. We want to make Maharaj Ji happy. We cannot complete this task, nor can we remove our karmic burden, nor can we fulfill our responsibilities. So if we live in His will, if we follow His hukam and abide by His will, it becomes His responsibility and He himself will fulfill it. If we think that with our effort, we will ... nothing will be accomplished by our efforts. So why should we get into this calculation? You simply tell yourself, “I just have to live in Maharaj Ji’s will!” That’s it! Radha Soami Ji.

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