Sunday, January 12, 2020

Man The Greatest of Book

The greatest book is Man, and every religion has advised us, " Know thyself!" That knowledge of yourself comes only by concentrating and collecting the currents of the mind at the eye focus. By practice, the mind will become habituated to concentrate at that focus, and the Sound will become clearer. This is the real way to go within and have knowledge of yourself, which is the great book we came to study on this plane.

Man,himself,is the perfect book; for all book shave come out of him. Inside of him is the Creator, with all His creation. The study of books give second-hand information, while the study of man gives first-hand information; that is, the study of what lies within ourselves. So why not enter within ourselves and see what is there?

The Current is present ill M all , in all human beings. It is natural in man, not artificial. It can be neither altered nor modified, nor added to nor subtracted from. All else in this world is changeable, and continually changes, but not this Current. It is an emancipation from, or wave of, the Great Source of all -the Supreme Creator, by whatever name you wish to speak of Him. Each individual is a spark or a drop of that same Infinite Source.

The Creator is at the top of the Current and the individual soul is at the other end; the Current thus acting as the connecting link between them. By that Current, the life -even the very existence -of the individual is sustained. The individual feels no touch with it on account of the thick veils of mind and matter which cover it at this end. But it is there, in all forms of creation, in man it resounds in the eye focus, whence it permeates the whole body below the eyes, and then goes out from the body, through the various sense organs. To catch it, the scattered attention must be controlled and held in the focus where connection is established with the astral, the mental and the spiritual planes, and the same finally merges into its Source at the other end.

The first essential thing, therefore, is to enter this laboratory within ourselves, by bringing our scattered attention inside of the eye focus. This is a slow process. But we are not justified in saying that we cannot do it, or that it is impossible, or that it is useless. Here is a worthy pursuit for the application of our critical and other faculties. If we cannot control and subdue our thoughts, arising within us, who else will? It is our job and we must do it. We must do it now and in this very lifetime, while we are in the human form; for the human form is the highest form of creation.

There are many ways of doing this; but from experience, Saints find that "Repetition" called "Simran" done in the manner explained at the time of Initiation, is the best and most effective way as well as the simplest way. If thoughts of the material world take us OUT of the focus, thoughts of the inner world will take us IN that direction. When we are inside of the focus, we have disconnected ourselves from the material world and are on the threshold of the astral world. We, too, have cast off our material frame and are of the same substance as the astral world and are now in a position to function there. The same attention that was working in the material world is now capable of working in the astral world. And just as we now call this lower world real , we will find the astral world as real , or more real, than we now find this one.

After reaching the astral plane, the same attention now purified from the material dross, hangs onto the Sound Current, becomes further purified and rises on it to reach the spiritual planes. With every inch of ascent inwards and upwards, the soul is casting off the coverings of mind and matter and is awakening from the deep sleep of ages.

The Creator is Existence, Knowledge and Bliss, or Power, Wisdom and Love. An atom or a spark of this essence of Existence is the soul, which encased in its coverings of mind and matter, forms the individual man. If the coverings were removed from the individual, the soul would become naked and would be qualified to know its Creator. The individual will know itself -attain "Self-Realisation" and will in tum, be able to know its Creator.

Spiritual Gems

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